Fashion Design
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

General course introduction information

Course Code: UIS407
Course Name: Uluslararası Çatışma ve Çatışma Çözümleri
Course Semester: Spring
Course Credits:
Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
3 0 3 6
Language of instruction: TR
Course Requisites:
Does the Course Require Work Experience?: No
Type of course: Common Pool
Course Level:
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE:6. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:First Cycle EQF-LLL:6. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Prof. Dr. ZEYNEP ALEMDAR
Course Lecturer(s): Dr. Hakan ÇORA
Course Assistants:

Course Objective and Content

Course Objectives: The purpose of the course is to explain the fundamental aims of international organizations and how they were organized in order to realize their aims. In this context, global, regional and thematic organizations will be examined, the similarities and differences will be discussed
Course Content: Basic Concepts of International Conflict and Conflict Resolution; Classical Theories of Conflict; Modern Theories of Conflict; UN’s Definition of Conflict and International Law; Conflicts in the 21th Century and New Conflict Resolution Models.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Learning Outcomes
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) • Evaluate the theoretical perspectives on international conflict.
2) • Compare different conflict resolution methods and shematize which conflict resolution method impied on which kind of conflict.
3) • Discuss the evolution of conflict from the Peloponessian Wars to contemporary issues of international relations.
4) • Analyze the fundamental mechanisms of conflict resolution. • Apply the negotiation, moderation and arbitration mechanisms to case studies.
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
Learning Competence
Field Specific Competence
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility

Lesson Plan

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) • Define the course outline. • Describe the course. • List the conflicts. • Discuss projects and presentations. • Compare selected conflicts. • Recognize the syllabus. • Discuss Course Outline. • Compare the conflict in order to choose presentation theme. • Discuss study method. • Evaluate the general method of course. Homework: assigned readings, Nye&Welch, 2013, pp. 1-33, for next class session
2) • Define the fundamental concepts of international conflict and conflict resolution. • Explain the primary resources of conflict. • Compare the resources by different ages and periods. • Evaluate which resource of conflict is more effective for every period. • List the components which could be effective to preventing conflicts. • Explain the political inputs which create the dynamics of international conflict. • Identify the role of culture and communication by conflict resolution processes. • Discuss the importance of economy by conflicts. • Classify the political systems of the modern states which became a part of conflict. • Discuss the power of societies by stopping conflicts. Homework: assigned readings, Nye&Welch, 2013, pp. 33-65, for next class session
3) • List the classical theories on conflict. • Define classical theories on conflict. • Explain the historical background which affects classical conflict theories. • Compare the classical intellectuals in respect of historical events. • Examine different perspectives to conflict in the light of classical thinkers. • Recognize the Peloponessian Wars. • Analyze the premises of Thucydides. • State Sun Tzu’s approaches on War. • Explain the importance of Napoleon Wars and its effect to Clausewitz. • Discuss the approaches of Clausewitz. Homework: assigned readings, Nye&Welch, 2013, pp. 33-65, for next class session.
4) • List and define modern theories on conflict. • Explain the level of analysis problem in international relations and its importance for analyzing conflicts. • Compare modern intellectuals in respect of historical events. • Analyze the difference between modern and classical approaches. • Introduce the World Wars and their effects on theoretical approaches on conflict. • Analyze realist approach on conflict in the light of the premises of Kenneth Waltz, E.H.Carr and Robert Gilpin. • State Marxist approach on conflict in the light of the premises of Lenin and Kautsky. • Recognize the liberal approach on conflict in the light of the premises of Keohane&Nye, Doyle and Rosecrance. • Compare realist, liberal and Marxist approaches. • Explain level of analysis problem and how it can be used in conflict analysis. • Discuss which one of the theories is more effective to understand the resources of conflicts and the mechanisms to solve them. Homework: assigned reading from Nye&Welch, 2013, pp. 71-173, for next class session.
5) • Define the reasons of WWI. • Evaluate the reasons which were failed to avoid WWII. • State political dynamics of WWII. • Analyze the transformation from massive wars to limited conflicts. • Question the role of peace missions in context of stopping contemporary conflicts. • Compare current conflicts with XX. Century conflicts. • Illustrate the conditions and development of WWI. • Determine the failure of interwar periods affords by avoiding new conflicts and WWII. • Explain the conditions and developments of WWII. • Compare the differences and similarities in terms of periods and regions. • Demonstrate the transformation process from massive wars to contemporary conflicts in terms of field and time. • State the peace missions and their functions to stopping contemporary conflicts. • Discuss the success of UN on controling conflict processes. • Discuss the transformation process of conflicts and reflections of international society to this transformation. Homework: assigned reading from Nye&Welch, 2013, pp. 181-268, for next class session.
6) • Explain the importance of international stability. • Evaluate the role UN in context of steps to conflict. • State the importance of negotiations for conflict resolution. • Describe how negotiation processes works. • Compare different negotiation models. • Discuss the effect and importance of moderation by conflict resolution process. • Explain Hedley Bull’s debate ‘order and justice’ in respect of international stability. • Evaluate UN’s role in conflicts considering peace missions, sanctions and UNSC resolutions. • Compare bilateral and multilateral negotiations. • Analyze negotiation processes. • Discuss the role and function of moderators in conflict resolution processes. Homework: Students will be expected to examine the link!/ for the class next to mid-term exam.
7) • Evaluate students via Midterm • Explain the primary resources of conflict. • Examine different perspectives to conflict in the light of classical thinkers. • Explain the level of analysis problem in international relations and its importance for analyzing conflicts. • Compare current conflicts with XX. Century conflicts. • Evaluate the role UN in context of steps to conflict. • Midterm Exam • Evaluate students’ comprehension of the material via midterm exam • Explain the political inputs which create the dynamics of international conflict. • Explain the importance of Napoleon Wars and its effect to Clausewitz. • Explain level of analysis problem and how it can be used in conflict analysis. • Compare the differences and similarities in terms of periods and regions. • Discuss the role and function of moderators in conflict resolution processes.
8) • Explain different conflicts in Europe • Compare the conflicts in Europe • Discuss the distinctive resources of Europe’s conflicts. • Evaluate which level of analysis is more useful to display the dynamics of conflicts in Europe. • Discuss which IR theory is more successful to explain the dynamics of the conflicts in Europe. • Explain the conflict in Cyprus. • Recognize the conflict in former Yugoslavia. • Analyze the conflict resolution in Yugoslavia. • State the role of UN peace mission in Cyprus. • Evaluate the negotiation process on Cyprus. Students will be expected to examine the link!/ for next class.
9) • Explain different conflicts in America. • Compare the conflicts in America. • Discuss the distinctive resources of America’s conflicts. • Evaluate which level of analysis is more useful to display the dynamics of conflicts in America. • Discuss which IR theory is more successful to explain the dynamics of the conflicts in America. • Illustrate the conflict by Cubean Missle Crisis. • Recognize the conflict in Nicaragua. • Analyze the conflict resolution in Cuba Crisis. • State the role of bilateral commuication in Cuba Crisis. • Evaluate the conflict resolution process in Nicharagua. • Discuss the importance of conflict resolution in Cubean Crisis. Students will be expected to examine the link!/ for next class.
10) • Explain different conflicts in Asia. • Compare the conflicts in Asia. • Discuss the distinctive resources of Asia’s conflicts. • Evaluate which level of analysis is more useful to display the dynamics of conflicts in Asia. • Discuss which IR theory is more successful to explain the dynamics of the conflicts in Asia. • Explain the Vietnam War. • Recognize the conflict in Korea. • Analyze the further conflicts affected by Vietnam War. • State the effect of Korean conflict on international stability. • Evaluate the negotiations on Korea. • Discuss the reconciliation processes in Vietnam War and post-Vietnam conflicts. Students will be expected to examine the link!/ for next class.
11) • Explain different conflicts in Africa. • Compare the conflicts in Africa. • Discuss the distinctive resources of Africa’s conflicts. • Evaluate which level of analysis is more useful to display the dynamics of conflicts in Africa. • Discuss which IR theory is more successful to explain the dynamics of the conflicts in Africa. • Illustrate the conflict in Rwanda. • Recognize the conflict in Sierra Lione • Analyze the conflict resolution in Rwanda. • Evaluate the conflict resolution process in Rwanda. • Discuss the conflict resolution in Sierra Lione. Students will be expected to examine the link!/ for next class.
12) • Explain different conflicts in Caucasus. • Compare the conflicts in Caucasus. • Discuss the distinctive resources of Causcasus’s conflicts. • Evaluate which level of analysis is more useful to display the dynamics of conflicts in Caucasus. • Discuss which IR theory is more successful to explain the dynamics of the conflicts in Caucasus. • Describe the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict. • Explain the conflict in Checnya. • Discuss the effect of Nagorno-Karabagh conflict on regional and international stability • Analyze the further conflicts affected by Checnya Conflict. • Discuss the conflict resolution process of Checnya. • Discuss the conflict resolution process of Nagorno Karabagh. Students will be expected to examine the link
13) • Explain different conflicts in Middle East. • Compare the conflicts in Middle East. • Discuss the distinctive resources of Middle East’s conflicts. • Evaluate which level of analysis is more useful to display the dynamics of conflicts in Middle East. • Discuss which IR theory is more successful to explain the dynamics of the conflicts in Middle East. • Illustrate the Palestine-Israel conflict. • Explain the conflict in Lebanon. • Analyze the negotiation process by Palestine-Israel conflict. • Evaluate the moderation mechanisms in Palestine-Israel conflict. • Discuss the success of negotiations and moderation in Palestine-Israel conflict. • Criticize the conflict resolution in Lebanon Crisis.
14) • Discuss the distinctive resources of Europe’s conflicts. • Explain different conflicts in America. • Evaluate which level of analysis is more useful to display the dynamics of conflicts in Asia. • Compare the conflicts in Africa. • Discuss which IR theory is more successful to explain the dynamics of the conflicts in Caucasus. • Discuss the distinctive resources of Middle East’s conflicts. • State the role of UN peace mission in Cyprus. • Explain the role of bilateral commuication in Cuba Crisis. • State the effect of Korean conflict on international stability. • Analyze the conflict resolution in Rwanda. • Discuss the effect of Nagorno-Karabagh conflict on regional and international stability • Examine the negotiation process by Palestine-Israel conflict.
15) • Evaluate students via final exam • Examine different perspectives to conflict in the light of classical thinkers. • Question the role of peace missions in context of stopping contemporary conflicts. • Discuss the effect and importance of moderation by conflict resolution process. • Discuss which IR theory is more successful to explain the dynamics of the conflicts in Europe. • Evaluate which level of analysis is more useful to display the dynamics of conflicts in Middle East. • Evaluate students via final exam • Classify the political systems of the modern states which became a part of conflict. • Discuss which one of the theories is more effective to understand the resources of conflicts and the mechanisms to solve them • Evaluate UN’s role in conflicts considering peace missions, sanctions and UNSC resolutions. • State the role of UN peace mission in Cyprus. • Discuss the success of negotiations and moderation in Palestine-Israel conflict.


Course Notes / Textbooks: Nye, J. & Welch, D. Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation, Pearson Publishing, 2013. (ISBN: 0205851630 )

Nye, J. & Welch, D. Küresel Çatışmayı ve İşbirliğini Anlamak, İş Bankası Yayınları, 2013. (ISBN: 9786053600664)

References: Yok-None

Course-Program Learning Outcome Relationship

Learning Outcomes





Program Outcomes
1) Having knowledge about the evolution of fashion discipline and current fashion system.
2) Having knowledge about textile technology and production methods.
3) Developing advanced speaking skills and presentation skills in front of the community.
4) Being able to take responsibility in the working environment and application processes, to be able to produce solutions to the problems encountered and to be able to work in teams.
5) To work properly with team members who are working together and with employees under their responsibility; Having the ability to direct and manage the team.
6) Ability to work on time management and action plans

Course - Learning Outcome Relationship

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Having knowledge about the evolution of fashion discipline and current fashion system.
2) Having knowledge about textile technology and production methods. 4
3) Developing advanced speaking skills and presentation skills in front of the community. 3
4) Being able to take responsibility in the working environment and application processes, to be able to produce solutions to the problems encountered and to be able to work in teams. 3
5) To work properly with team members who are working together and with employees under their responsibility; Having the ability to direct and manage the team.
6) Ability to work on time management and action plans 4

Learning Activity and Teaching Methods

Individual study and homework
Q&A / Discussion

Assessment & Grading Methods and Criteria

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Project 1 % 30
Midterms 1 % 30
Final 1 % 40
total % 100
total % 100

Workload and ECTS Credit Grading

Activities Number of Activities Workload
Course Hours 15 45
Project 15 45
Midterms 15 45
Final 15 45
Total Workload 180