Associate TR-NQF-HE: Level 5 QF-EHEA: Short Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 5

Program Training Goals

(The objectives determined in line with the purpose of the program are stated below.)
1 To train individuals who can interpret and evaluate data using basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field with sufficient infrastructure in the field related to the field and develop solutions to identify problems.
2 To train professionals who can use the methods, technical services and technologies that are necessary for applications related to the field and use them effectively, and produce solutions to the unforeseen problems encountered in applications
3 To be able to take responsibility in working groups or to have individual ability to work, to communicate effectively, to be tolerant, to be patient and to be able to follow the innovations in the field.
4 Also; knowledge, skill, competence and awareness in the field of safety, health and environmental protection, with universal, cultural values, professional ethical competence and consciousness, individual and professional lifelong learning awareness, and sectoral developments in science and technology and constantly renewing themselves to raise individuals.