Acil Durum ve Afet Yƶnetimi
Associate TR-NQF-HE: Level 5 QF-EHEA: Short Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 5

Program Training Goals

(The objectives determined in line with the purpose of the program are stated below.)
1 Our missions will be able to educate, manage and educate the civil defense units that will be able to take precautions such as education, awareness and project development before the disaster, and to undertake crisis management responsibilities in disasters such as coordination and any loss- By organizing search and rescue work in all circumstances, they will be able to provide training on search and rescue and survival periodically to all the people living in the area where they will be able to undertake referral and administration and when necessary. Thus, they will be able to make institutions and people become proactive preparations against hazards, disasters and natural hazards.