Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

General course introduction information

Course Code: ATA101
Course Name: Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi I
Course Semester: Fall
Course Credits:
Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
2 0 2 2
Language of instruction: TR
Course Requisites:
Does the Course Require Work Experience?: No
Type of course: Compulsory
Course Level:
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE:6. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:First Cycle EQF-LLL:6. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: E-Learning
Course Coordinator : Dr.Öğr.Üyesi MEHMET KILIÇ
Course Lecturer(s): Öğr.Gör. MESUT MUTLU
Course Assistants:

Course Objective and Content

Course Objectives: The purpose of this course is to enable the students to acquire a basic historical knowledge about the Turkish Independence War that has led to the foundation of modern Turkey in 1923
Course Content: • Evaluation of the formation and cause and effect of the First World War,
• Mondros has been occupied with a cease-fire agreement.
• Providing salvation solutions to save homeland from occupation,
• the work of harmful and beneficial societies in this framework,
• Evaluation of congress administrations starting from Samsun on 19 May 1919 in terms of content and form,
• To reveal the structure and legitimacy of the Turkish Grand National Assembly,
• Management of the Turkish War of Independence,
• Includes the declaration of the Lausanne Peace Treaty and the proclamation of the Republic.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Learning Outcomes
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) The purpose of this course is to enable the students to acquire a basic historical knowledge about the Turkish Independence War that has led to the foundation of modern Turkey in 1923
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
Learning Competence
Field Specific Competence
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility

Lesson Plan

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) 1. Definition of history, 2. The aim of learning Turkish Revolution, 3. The period of the Ottoman Empire 4. The expansion of the Ottoman Empire - rise 5. The principles on which expansion and ascension are based, 6. The situation of Europe in the 19th century and the French Revolution 7. The decline of the Ottoman Empire with the second Vienna defeat, 8. The phases of the Ottoman Empire in 623 years 9. Innovation movements 10 First Constitutional Monarchy (1876-1878) 11. Second Constitutional Monarchy (1908-1918) 12. Union and Progress Society 13. 1907 Map of Misakimilli 14. Idea / thought movements to save the Ottoman Empire 15. The process of economic life of the Ottoman Empire 16. Establishment of the General Directorate of Public Administration
2) 1. Tripoli War, Ouchy Peace Treaty and withdrawal from Africa. 2. General political and military situation in Balkans before Balkan wars 3. The Balkan Wars and the abandonment of the Ottoman Empire by the Balkans, 4. The First Balkan War, 5. The exit of the city of Thessaloniki (08 November 1912). 6. The Porte Raid. (23 January 1913). 7. Defense of Edirne, 8. Peace Treaty of London and Thrace 9. The Second Balkan War, the withdrawal of Edirne, the loss of the 12 islands, 10. Errors and mistakes that caused Balkan defeat, 11.Trablusgarp and the results of the Balkan wars 12. German military delegation for reorganization and training of Ottoman Empire (14 December 1913)
3) 1. Formation of alliances and impartial states. 2. Causes of grouping. 3. The ideas of countries on Ottoman geography, 4. Confidential agreements and projects, 5. The reasons of the First World War, 6. Turkish - German Alliance and participation of the Ottoman Empire in the war, 7. The reasons of the Ottoman Empire entering the war, 8. Fronts of the Ottoman Empire fought a.Kafkas front, b.South front, (Iraq, Hijaz, Yemen, Channel and Palestine), one). Palestinian Front VII. Military Commander Mustafa Kemal's warning report c. Western front (Galicia, Romania and Macedonia).
4) 1. World War I Canakkale and Gallipoli Front, 2. The idea of ​​opening a front in Çanakkale, 3. The idea of ​​the transfer of the palace and the top state administrators to Anatolia 4. The achievements / objectives of Allies with the Battle of Çanakkale 5. On 3 November 1914, the Allies bombed the bastions on both sides of the Bosphorus. 6. The closure of the Bosphorus to sea traffic. 7. Preparing the sea for defense from the sea and land placement and laying of mines.) 8.Mustafa Kemal's appointment to the Division Command and Division 25 February 25 The arrival of Eceabat in 1915. 9. The maritime attack of the Allies on 4 March 1915. 10. The Treaty of Istanbul (4 March-10 April 1915) 11. Laying of 26 mines with Nusrat Mine Ship to the Dark Harbor. 12th Marine Operation (19 February - 18 March 1915) 13. The order of attack by the Allies from the sea. 14. The casualty of the parties in the maritime operation. 15. Submarine operation in the Bosphorus Strait and Marmara. 16 Attack on submarines. 17. Appointment of Limon von Sanders as the Commander of the 5th Army and 26 Arrival in Gallipoli in March 1915. 18. The Allied Passage to the Gallipoli Peninsula. 19 Turkish Strait and the Gallipoli Peninsula Defense Plan 20. Canakkale Front Land Operation 25 April 1915 - 16 January 1916) a. Seddülbahir Landing (25 April 1915 at 05.30) b. Arıburnu Excavation (25 April 1915 at 04.30) c. Anafartalar Removal (6/7 August 1915) D. Deception of Saroz Gulf on the Rumeli side, to. Kumkale on the Anatolian side of the deception operation and demonstration, 21. The Allies abandoned the battlefield of Çanakkale. 22. The casualties of the parties. 23. Evaluation and results of the Battle of Çanakkale 24. For the soldiers of Ataturk and the soldiers of Australia and New Zealand
5) SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES They left behind when the end of 1.1918, 2. In the First World War, the casualties of the parties and the total war expenses, 3. Wilson's Principles, 4. The ceasefire agreements ending the First World War, 5. Mondros Armistice, which ended World War I with the Ottoman Empire Agreement (October 30, 1918) and results. 6. Mustafa Kemal Pasha's opposition to the ceasefire agreement, 7. Events that started with the implementation of the Agreement, 8. The occupation of the occupation of Anatolia, 9. Harmful societies, 10. The Armenian issue, 11. First bullets thrown into occupiers against the invasion of Anatolia. 12. Useful associations, 13. The occupation of Istanbul and the return of Mustafa Kemal Pasha to Istanbul, 14. Arrests and exiles in Malta, 15. Initiative to establish an international court, 16. Why did the British not arrest Mustafa Kemal Pasha?
6) 1. The arrival of Mustafa Kemal Pasha in Istanbul and his works 2. The occupation of Anatolia. 3. Mustafa Kemal Pasha 's 9th Army Inspectorate and his co-workers. 4. Evaluation of national power elements. 5. The decision to enter Anatolia and start the struggle for liberation from Anatolia 6. His friends share the secret decision. 7. Plan of secret transition to Anatolia - road map 8. Appointment to the Ninth Army Inspectorate (Command) 9. His friends and statesmen after the appointment. 10. Why was Mustafa Kemal Pasha sent to Samsun? 11. Events in and around Samsun. 12th Paris Peace Conference and sharing of Anatolia 13. Peace Treaties signed at the end of the First World War 14. The occupation of Izmir 15. Protest demonstrations on the invasion of Izmir. 16. First bullets spread to Anatolia
7) 1.Mustafa Kemal Pasha as the 9th Army Inspector of Anatolia, 2.The identity of the Ferry Boat, 3. The visa application of the British to the departure of the Bandırma Boat. 4.Mustafa Kemal Pasha appointed to perform what tasks. 5.Samsunda studies. 6. Intelligence sources of Mustafa Kemal Pasha 7. The proposed salvation remedies. 8. Mustafa Kemal Pasha's salvation decision and justification. 9. The strategy to be followed in the implementation of the decision. 10. Transition to and from the basin. 11. Basin Circular. 12. Mustafa Kemal Pasha's call back to Istanbul. 13th Arrival and work here 14.Amasya Decisions 15.Amasya Tamimi (First written document of national struggle) 16. Amasya Tamimi published in the Nutuk-S breath. 17. Notification of Amasya Tamimi to some people in Istanbul 18. Mustafa Kemal Pasha's letter to the Sultan about Amasya Tamimi 19.Amasya Tamimi approved, 20.Amasya Tamimi's effects, 21. National Power - Amasya Tamimi in the relationship of national interest. 22. Results of Amasya Tamimi (Judgment of Mustafa Kemal Pasha) 23. The Ali Galip Incident in Sivas
8) 1.Mustafa Kemal Pasha's arrival in Erzurum and preparations for the congress. 2.Department of Mustafa Kemal Pasha and his military profession 3rd Congress of Congress (23 July-7 August 1919) 4.The decisions taken in the congress. 5. Delegation to the elected delegation. 6. Drawings of financial difficulties. 7. Congresses created in other regions. 8. Movements in other regions. 9th Arrival of Sivas and Sivas Congress 10.Sivas Congress decisions. 11. American General Harbord meeting with Mustafa Kemal Pasha in Sivas. 12. Salih Pasha's visit to Amasya with the Delegation of the delegation 13. Signing of Amasya Meetings and Protocols. 14. Commander meeting in Sivas (16 November 11919) 15.Mustafa Kemal Pasha and his delegation to Ankara. 16. Mustafa Kemal Pasha discusses his situation with the dignitaries of Ankara. 17.The last meeting of the Ottoman Parliament and the adoption of the Misakimilli (National Ant, National Vow) (28 September 1920)
9) 1. Developments that will prepare the meeting of Ankara in Ankara. 2. The French-controlled Akbas in the Gibraltar Peninsula Extermination of weapons and ammunition from the ammunition. 3. Decisions taken at the London Conference (12 February-10 March 1920) a. The decision to temporarily occupy Istanbul. b. Telegraphy of Istanbul's invasion to Ankara. c. The occupation forces occupying Istanbul explain the principles of occupation. D. Protests against the occupation of Istanbul. 5. Declaration of the Fatan that declares the rebellious as the Sultan's order 6.Novel papers published by the Anatolian Mufti (May 5, 1920). 7. Publication of the Grand National Assembly (21 April 1920). 8. Opening of the Grand National Assembly (23 April 1920). 9. How was the general situation in the country when the Grand National Assembly was opened? 10. National politics of the Grand National Assembly. 11.The problems that are pending when the Grand National Assembly is opened. 12. Governments in the country when the Grand National Assembly is opened. 13.Mustafa Kemal Pasha and the National Struggle leaders of the Sultan.
10) 1. Developments that will prepare the meeting of Ankara in Ankara. 2. The French-controlled Akbas in the Gibraltar Peninsula Extermination of weapons and ammunition from the ammunition. 3. Decisions taken at the London Conference (12 February-10 March 1920) a. The decision to temporarily occupy Istanbul. b. Telegraphy of Istanbul's invasion to Ankara. c. The occupation forces occupying Istanbul explain the principles of occupation. D. Protests against the occupation of Istanbul. 5. Declaration of the Fatan that declares the rebellious as the Sultan's order 6.Novel papers published by the Anatolian Mufti (May 5, 1920). 7. Publication of the Grand National Assembly (21 April 1920). 8. Opening of the Grand National Assembly (23 April 1920). 9. How was the general situation in the country when the Grand National Assembly was opened? 10. National politics of the Grand National Assembly. 11.The problems that are pending when the Grand National Assembly is opened. 12. Governments in the country when the Grand National Assembly is opened. 13.Mustafa Kemal Pasha and the National Struggle leaders of the Sultan.
11) 1. Structure of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. 2. Legitimacy of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. 3. Turkey's First Government (May 3, 1920 - January 24, 1921). 4. Purpose of the First Government Program 5. Characteristics of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. 6. Grand National Assembly of Turkey's efforts 7. Parliamentary Assembly of the Parliament 8. April 23, 1920 Why "National Sovereignty and Children's Day" is 9. Atatürk's oath of sovereignty at the beginning of his mother's tomb 10. Establishment of state institutions. a. Establishment of Hıyanet-i Vataniye Law and Independence Courts. b. Establishment of Anadolu Agency. c. The publication of the Official Gazette (Ceride-i Resmiye). D. First Constitution of the Turkish Grand National Assembly. to. The First Budget of the Turkish Grand National Assembly. f. Acceptance of the National Anthem
12) 1. Period of the National Forces (National Forces), 2. Causes of the War of Independence 3. The justification of the War of Independence 4. Characteristics of the War of Independence. 5. Reactions against the TGNA. a. sharing the bill with Turkey b. San-Remo Conference, c. Sevres (Sevres) Peace Treaty that cannot enter into force 6. Riots during the National Struggle. (Internal riots) 7. Measures against riots. 8. The situation of fronts in the War of Independence. 9. East front. 10. South front. 11.White front 12. Facades of national forces on the western front. 13. National forces in other regions 14. Establishment of the regular army.
13) 1. The battles of the regular army with the Greek army a. The First Inönü Battle b. London Conference c. The Second Battle of İnönü, D. Battles of Aslıhanlar and Dumlupınar, to. Kütahya - Eskişehir Battles, f. The Battle of Sakarya g. Mustafa Kemal Paşaya handed over the powers of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and Acceptance of the Supreme Commander Act. 2. Orders of National Obligations 3. The obligation of public transport and service in the implementation of the Commodity Orders, 4. Evaluation of the preparations in terms of esi National Power Elements 4. 5. The Great Offensive and Battle of Commander in Chief, 6. The Great Attack and the results of the Battle of the Commander-in-Chief 7. Entry of the armies of the Turkish Grand National Assembly to İzmir, 8. Our losses in the War of Independence 9. How the Independence War was won 10. Foreign aid provided to the War of Independence. 11. Forward operations towards the Straits and Thrace
14) 1. Mudanya Armistice (Armistice Agreement) 2. Results of the Mudanya Armistice Agreement 3. Lausanne Conference and its importance 4. Abolition of the Sultanate 5. The formation of the Turkish Representation Board 6. The start of the conference and interviews 7. Suspension of the conference 8. First Turkey Economic Congress (February 17-March 4, 1923) 8. Resumption of conversations 9. The signing of the Lausanne Peace Treaty 10. The Straits problem 11. What they said about the Lausanne Peace Treaty 12. Results of the Lausanne Peace Treaty 13. How to Solve the Mosul Problem? 14. The Liberation of Istanbul 15. Ankara is the capital.
15) 1. Developments preparing the proclamation of the Republic, 2. Abolition of the Sultanate, 3. Revolution movements, 4. Revolutionary movements separate the paths of fateful friends, 5. The elections for the second term, 4. Government crisis and resolution, 5.1921 Amendments to some articles of the Constitution. 6. Declaration of the Republic, 7. Why Republic? 8. The relationship between the Republic and democracy, 9. Presidential election, 10.Kurul the first Government of the Republic of Turkey. 11. The process leading to the Republican regime


Course Notes / Textbooks: (Kurum, ders kitabındaki ders kitabının çeşitli materyallerde uygulanan eğitim metodolojisi ve stratejisinin bir parçası olarak kullanıldığını kabul eder. Ders kitabı, müfredatın bir parçasıdır ve öğrenciye sınıfta etkili bir şekilde ulaşmak için kullanılır. ders kitabı edinmesi ve kullanması bekleniyor.)

Cumhuriyet’in Kuruluşu ve Bir Milletin Aydınlanması
2013, İstanbul
Yrd.Doç.Dr. Mehmet Kılıç
References: (The institution recognizes the use of the textbook in the classroom as part of the educational methodology and strategy applied in diverse materials. The textbook is part of the curriculum and is used to reach the student in an effective manner in the classroom. Every student is expected to acquire and use the textbook.)

Cumhuriyet’in Kuruluşu ve Bir Milletin Aydınlanması
2013, İstanbul
Yrd.Doç.Dr. Mehmet Kılıç

Course-Program Learning Outcome Relationship

Learning Outcomes


Program Outcomes
1) Graduates acquire profound knowledge about the basic theories of psychology and gain the ability to use this equipment effectively on the field
2) With the readings and discussions included in the department courses, our students graduate as individuals who can think critically, question and express their opinion in the professional and social fields.
3) Graduates gain a strong background in research and practice with the methodology education they receive.
4) Since thirty percent of the courses are taught in English, our graduates acquire a proficiency in reading, speaking and writing in English.
5) Students graduate as individuals who are able to follow and willing to contribute to the developments in the field.
6) Students will graduate with the awareness of the ethical concerns that are crucial to have while working in the field and in academia.

Course - Learning Outcome Relationship

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Graduates acquire profound knowledge about the basic theories of psychology and gain the ability to use this equipment effectively on the field
2) With the readings and discussions included in the department courses, our students graduate as individuals who can think critically, question and express their opinion in the professional and social fields.
3) Graduates gain a strong background in research and practice with the methodology education they receive.
4) Since thirty percent of the courses are taught in English, our graduates acquire a proficiency in reading, speaking and writing in English.
5) Students graduate as individuals who are able to follow and willing to contribute to the developments in the field.
6) Students will graduate with the awareness of the ethical concerns that are crucial to have while working in the field and in academia.

Learning Activity and Teaching Methods

Web Based Learning

Assessment & Grading Methods and Criteria

Written Exam (Open-ended questions, multiple choice, true-false, matching, fill in the blanks, sequencing)
Oral Examination

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Midterms 1 % 20
Final 1 % 80
total % 100
total % 100

Workload and ECTS Credit Grading

Activities Number of Activities Duration (Hours) Workload
Course Hours 1 28 28
Study Hours Out of Class 1 60 60
Final 1 2 2
Total Workload 90