ILOG417 Supply Chain ManagementIstanbul Okan UniversityDegree Programs Digital Game DesignGeneral Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy StatementNational Qualifications
Digital Game Design
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

General course introduction information

Course Code: ILOG417
Course Name: Supply Chain Management
Course Semester: Fall
Course Credits:
Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
3 0 3 6
Language of instruction:
Course Requisites:
Does the Course Require Work Experience?: No
Type of course: University Elective
Course Level:
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE:6. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:First Cycle EQF-LLL:6. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Assoc. Prof. AHMET MURAT KÖSEOĞLU
Course Lecturer(s): Assoc. Prof. DİDEM DEMİR
Course Assistants:

Course Objective and Content

Course Objectives: This course aims to introduce some important principles of supply and buying management to the students. Basic approach is, the experience of the business environment will be discussed and theoretical knowledge will be explained. The content of course has been formed as SCM‘s role in the overall business strategy, identifying the SCM-related business processes including sourcing, procurement, sales and operations planning, distribution and demand management, problems encountered in practice and the new challenges facing SCM practitioners, managing supply chain relationships, managing risk in the supply chain, matching supply and demand, creating a sustainable supply chain, risks and facing possible disruptions in supply chains, KPIs in SCM, laws and regulations related to sustainability in the supply chain; coordination and cooperation; Industry 4.0.
Course Content: At the end of this course the student will be able to:

• recognize supply chain concept, its structure and meaning for business strategy
• define strategies of using resources for supply and sales operations
• recognize causes and effects of conflicts in supply chain
• in practice, describe and use supply chain principals
• identify the importance of sustainable supply chain and analyze sustainability of a specified product in supply chain process
• plan and estimate a specified supply chain
• recognize supply chain counterparts and organize its relationship
• state required KPIs in which analyzing and reporting a specified event
• support and put into practice ethical principals in supply chain process

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Learning Outcomes
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) • Recognize supply chain concept, its structure and meaning for business strategy
2) • Define strategies of using resources for supply and sales operations
3) • Recognize causes and effects of conflicts in supply chain
4) • In practice, describe and use supply chain principals
5) • Identify the importance of sustainable supply chain and analyze sustainability of a specified product in supply chain process
6) • Plan and estimate a specified supply chain
7) • Recognize supply chain counterparts and organize its relationship
8) • State required KPIs in which analyzing and reporting a specified event
9) • Support and put into practice ethical principals in supply chain process
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
Learning Competence
Field Specific Competence
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility

Lesson Plan

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) • Define the role and importance of the purchasing and supply functions in the value chain. • Describe ordering, buying and purchasing • Distinguish the difference between concept such as ordering, buying, purchasing • Identify new developments in purchasing and supply practices of organizations • List the most important elements of the purchasing function. • Describe role and significance of the purchasing functions for industrial and service companies • Describe purchasing and supply’s role in the company’s value chain. • Define of important terms and concepts • Distinguish the activities of the purchasing department and the purchasing function • Show differences between the different kind of products and services • Ethic principles in supply chain processes Reading the next course material, preparing case studies
2) • List the major differences between organizational and customer buying behavior • Define the key elements of purchasing process • Underline the various roles in a buying decision - making unit • Explain the involvement the purchasing department in the acquisition of various goods • Explain how to model organizational buying behavior and net work theory • Explain buying behavior of organizations • Underline the major differences between buying behavior of costumers and organizations • Recognize decision making process regarding purchasing and supply chain activities • Use purchasing process model • List various models of organizational buying behavior, developed in the marketing literature • Compare characteristics many purchasing decision in organizations • Recognize role and importance of e –procurement solutions, including e – auctions. Reading the next course material, preparing case studies
3) • Analyze major tasks and responsibilities of purchasing • List the basic principles on which purchasing policy can be based • Define the major policy areas in purchasing • Show how to purchasing may develop over time as a business function • Define effective purchasing management process • Define purchasing and supply goals and objectives and strategies • Explain time phased purchasing action plans • Evaluate monitoring and follow up of these action plans • Formulate the purchasing development models • Explain the purchasing development model for a company to professionalize in the future Reading the next course material, preparing case studies
4) • Define the role and position of purchasing in a facilities environment • Define key success variables for purchasing in a facilities environment • Describe measures aimed at improving the effectiveness of purchasing in a facilities environment • Describe how to classify services that are contracted by organization • Explain what it takes to buy indirect products and services • Explain the role and position of purchasing and supply within service companies • State non production related purchasing spend • Identify aware of cost saving potential in this area • Explain purchasing in a facilities and service environment. Reading the next course material, preparing case studies
5) • Explain the increasing importance of buying of services • Explain the differences between buying services and buying goods • Define different views on buying services and the implications for the purchasing process • Describe the importance of stakeholder management for buying services • Describe specific areas of attention in specifying services and selecting and contracting services provider • Underline the importance of professional contract management • Show how to buy and contract for services • List specific difficulties when buying services • Differentiate between services is provided and implications for how to structure the purchasing process • Identify how to specify for services • Identify how to select service providers, • Identify how to contract for their services Reading the next course material, preparing case studies
6) • Compare the different supply market structures that purchasing mangers may encounter • Define how supply market structures may effects purchasing strategies • Describe the role and importance of supply market research in the purchasing process • Identify the most important characteristics and types of supply market research • Define how to organize and conduct supply market research • Define how purchasing managers can use the internet for supply market research • List the subject of markets and products • Explain nine types of supply market structures that buyers may encounter • Describe supply market research and intelligence • Define how to conduct purchasing market research • State how to internet can be used to generate purchasing market information Reading the next course material, preparing case studies
7) • Why companies outsource part of their business process • How to structure the process of outsourcing • The most important risks and pitfalls related to outsourcing • How to deal with the most important downside risk related to outsourcing • Outsourcing and risk assessment • Companies trend towards outsourcing • Focus on activities that provide competitive advantage • Non - core activities are increasingly outsourced to specialized suppliers • The risk becoming too dependent on their suppliers • How to outsourcing may be structured in a company • How companies can reduce their risk profile vis a vis their suppliers. Reading the next course material, preparing case studies
8) • The changing international business context and how companies strategically respond • The increasing strategic role of the purchasing function • How purchasing can support the company’s overall competitive strategy • How to develop a differentiated purchasing and supplier strategy • How to design effective purchasing strategies • How purchasing strategies can be linked to the overall business strategy • Building on some strategic marketing concepts, a purchasing portfolio approach • Differentiated supplier strategies • Purchasing portfolio approach • The company needs to understand its position in the supplier’s customer portfolio. Reading the next course material, preparing case studies
9) • Understand why in most deals with suppliers there is room for cost savings • What it takes to develop a sourcing strategy • Identify to different elements of a category sourcing plan • How to assemble a cross functional sourcing team • Identify key success factors for successful implementation of sourcing strategies • How to access cost saving potential for different purchased categories and commodities • Key to sourcing strategy is to select • The right number of suppliers • Right type of relationship • Right type of contract that should be put in place Reading the next course material, preparing case studies
10) • Evaluate students with midterm exam • Why large companies pursue ‘open innovation ‘ in their external relationship • The challenges of integrated purchasing in technical design and new product development process • What it takes to involve suppliers easy in new product development • The most important concept concerning purchasing and quality management • Purchasing’s role in and contribution to quality management • How to set up a supplier quality assurance program • How to improve supplier performance • The relationships with new product development, engineering, purchasing and quality management • How to improve supplier quality • Supplier quality assurance and supplier certification • Open innovation for purchasing and supplier management Reading the next course material, preparing case studies
11) • The definition of supply chain management and basic supply chain concepts • The most important steps in the materials planning cycle • How supply chain activities can be structured within organizations • Characteristics of just in time scheduling and purchasing • The most important elements of a purchasing information system • The role of purchasing within supply chain management • Key definitions, • Basics of supply chain management • Assembly to order job shop relationship • Material requirement planning • Just in time management and information technology in purchasing Reading the next course material, preparing case studies.
12) • The structure of the purchasing function within organizations • The underlying factors that determine the role, position and organizational structure of purchasing • The major tasks, responsibilities and competences of purchasing and how to organize these • How to organized for purchasing in single unit companies • How to get organized for purchasing in multi unit companies • Which criteria to use in deciding on centralized versus decentralized purchasing • The most important job profiles in purchasing • Centralized versus decentralized purchasing • Multi plan environment • Multi plan companies and organize for efficient purchasing • Different job profiles in purchasing and supply chain management Reading the next course material, preparing case studies
13) • The factors that influence the way performance measurement is executed and evaluated • The key areas that should be considered when measuring and evaluating purchasing performance • The methods, techniques and performance measures that can be used • How to conduct a purchasing audit as a tool to improve purchasing performance • The value of benchmarking in purchasing • The role of importance of governance rules in purchasing • Purchasing performance measurement and evaluation • How to measure and asset the performance of the purchasing department • Several important methods and benchmarking techniques • The relevance of the Sarbanes – Oxley act is discussed as a platform for future procurement governance Reading the next course material, preparing case studies
14) • How price set by suppliers • How to use the learning curve technique as a basis for price negotiations • Supplier evaluation and vendor rating techniques • How to evaluate the financial position of suppliers • What it takes to develop suppliers • All purchasing decisions and decisions concerning supplier selection • Some methods and techniques which can be used to support the decisions • Learning curve and cost modeling • Both techniques enable the purchasing professional to get a through understanding of supplier costing behavior
15) • Evaluate students with final exam • General evaluation of the course • Explain the role and importance of Supply Chain/Purchasing within Value Chain. • Define the differences between organizational / customer buying processes. • Explain the major tasks of Purchasing / Supply Chain in an Organisation. • Understand the outsourcing / risk assessment in Supply Chain environment. • Be aware of changing environment of International business context and explain the effective Purchasing strategies and cost cuttings. • Explain the Company’s open innovations in the external relations. • Define the relationship between Purchasing and quality management. • Understand the key factors evaluating the performance measurement of Purchasing.


Course Notes / Textbooks: Tedarik zinciri ve Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi,
Yazar: Arjan J. Yan Weele, Türkçe Editör: Doç. Dr. Metin ÇANCI
Literatür Yayınları, İstanbul, 2014
ISBN: 978-975-04-0668-3
References: Tedarik Zinciri ve Lojistik Yönetimi; E. Nebol, Beta Yayınları, 2014, İstanbul

Course-Program Learning Outcome Relationship

Learning Outcomes










Program Outcomes

Course - Learning Outcome Relationship

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution

Learning Activity and Teaching Methods

Problem Solving
Project preparation
Report Writing
Case Study

Assessment & Grading Methods and Criteria

Written Exam (Open-ended questions, multiple choice, true-false, matching, fill in the blanks, sequencing)
Individual Project

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Midterms 1 % 60
Final 1 % 40
total % 100
total % 100

Workload and ECTS Credit Grading

Activities Number of Activities Workload
Course Hours 16 48
Study Hours Out of Class 16 96
Midterms 2 20
Final 1 13
Total Workload 177