SKI205 Health Communication Istanbul Okan UniversityDegree Programs ElectroneurophysiologyGeneral Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy StatementNational Qualifications
Associate TR-NQF-HE: Level 5 QF-EHEA: Short Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 5

General course introduction information

Course Code: SKI205
Course Name: Health Communication
Course Semester: Fall
Course Credits:
Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
3 0 3 4
Language of instruction: TR
Course Requisites:
Does the Course Require Work Experience?: No
Type of course: Department Elective
Course Level:
Associate TR-NQF-HE:5. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:Short Cycle EQF-LLL:5. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Dr.Öğr.Üyesi HAVVA PALACI
Course Lecturer(s): Dr.Öğr.Üyesi TÜRKAN ÖZGÜL
Course Assistants:

Course Objective and Content

Course Objectives: Developing the communication skills of students who will serve as Health Professionals
Explain the importance and characteristics of team communication
To give the necessary information to be successful in communication with patients and their relatives
To teach the functioning of communication in health institutions
To teach the types of communication and to enable them to understand the concept of health communication and its importance
Course Content: Communication concept and features
Types of communication
Interpersonal Communication and Body Language
Communication Barriers
Organizational Communication
Communication with Special Patients
Communication Processes and Health Communication
Health Personnel Patient Communication
Mass Communication /Media Literacy
The Concept of Health Communication and its levels

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Learning Outcomes
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) To know the meaning and characteristics of communication Knowing the communication levels Knowing effective communication Knowing body language and its importance Knowing the causes and consequences of interpersonal communication conflicts Knowing the consequences and causes of stress and anger Knowing patient types and specific forms of communication Knowing how to communicate with special patients Knowing organizational communication and its components To know the concept and levels of Health Communication Knowing patient and healthcare professional communication
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
1) Practicing effective communication Being aware of interpersonal communication problems To implement interpersonal communication in accordance with the rules Selecting and applying the appropriate communication style according to patient types Using corporate communication effectively Gaining skills in team communication
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
1) Establish and maintain good communication with co-workers Be aware of communication barriers Participate in and maintain team communication Communicate accurately and effectively with subordinates and superiors Using body language correctly and communicating effectively by interpreting body language signals correctly Empathizing with patient relatives and co-workers Success in oral and written communication
Learning Competence
1) Recognizing and trying to understand prejudices and stereotypes about different situations Caring and maintaining personal development Maintaining a humanistic perspective Monitoring personal development to review professional behavior
Field Specific Competence
1) Effective communication with patients and their relatives Effective use of communication in terms of patient safety Solve communication problems with specific patients Communicate effectively with teammates in stressful situations Using internal communication effectively Solve problem collaborative aptitude Using professional behavior and communication
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility
1) Hasta ve hasta yakınları ile etkili iletişimi gerçekleştirebilme ve sorun çözme Stresi ve öfkeyi yönetme Ekip iletişimine katılma ve sürdürme Hiyerarşik ve kurumsal düzeylerde iletişim kurma ve sürdürme

Lesson Plan

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Communication and features of communication Elements of communication Source Message Buyer Feedback Noise Types of communication Communication levels Reading the chapter of the book on the subject Reading lecture notes
2) Verbal and nonverbal communication Features of oral communication Nonverbal communication and body language gestures gestures sitting Stance Fields and use in communication environmental factors Reading the chapter of the book on the subject Reading lecture notes
3) Use of me language and you language Communication barriers and conflicts conflict of existence Active and passive conflict expectations Personal inadequacies and fears Status and role differences Reading the chapter of the book on the subject Reading lecture notes
4) Effective communication effective listening Effective use of body language Empathy Sympathy prejudices stereotypes Reading the chapter of the book on the subject Reading lecture notes
5) Stress and causes of stress Physical consequences of stress Emotional consequences of stress Stress management techniques Reasons for saying no and not being able to say how to say no Reading the chapter of the book on the subject Reading lecture notes
6) Anger and anger management Causes of anger Physical and emotional manifestations of anger Consequences of anger Anger management techniques Traffic lights method turtle method Reading the chapter of the book on the subject Reading lecture notes
7) Patient types Passive, aggressive, impulsive and manipulative behavior Communication techniques according to patient types Reading the chapter of the book on the subject Reading lecture notes
8) Patient and healthcare professional communication Patient expectations patient safety Benefits of cooperation with the patient Steps in communicating with the patient greeting acquaintance showing location open-ended and closed-ended questions effective listening give proper explanation Reading the chapter of the book on the subject Reading lecture notes
9) MIDTERM EXAM - Communication with special patients Communication with the hearing impaired patient Communication with the visually impaired patient Communication with the paralyzed patient Communication with the mentally handicapped patient Reading the chapter of the book on the subject Reading lecture notes
10) Communication with special patients 2 Communication with elderly patients Communication with pediatric patients and their relatives Communication with adolescent patients and their relatives Communication with the terminal patient Approach to the unconscious patient in the intensive care unit Approach to patients with muscle disease Approach to the mentally ill patient Reading the chapter of the book on the subject Reading lecture notes
11) Health Communication definition Development of health communication Health Communication levels Health communication at the internal level Health communication at the interpersonal level Health communication at the organizational level Health communication at the mass communication level Health communication at the community level Reading the chapter of the book on the subject Reading lecture notes
12) Health communication at the organizational level Audiences The importance of organizational communication Organizational Communication levels Vertical Communication horizontal communication Cross communication Reading the chapter of the book on the subject Reading lecture notes
13) Health Communication at the Mass Media Level Features of mass media Functions of mass media Functions of mass media of health communication Health Communication campaigns Discussion of campaign examples Reading the chapter of the book on the subject Reading lecture notes
15) Patient doctor communication Patient physician communication models patriarchal model interview-based model the deliberative model Reading the chapter of the book on the subject Reading lecture notes


Course Notes / Textbooks: *Sağlık Kurumlarında İletişim
Nobel akademik yayıncılık
Ramazan Erdem
*Sağlık İletişimi - Ayla Okay
Derin Yayınları
*Kişilerarası İletişim
Yazar: Demet Gürüz , Ayşen Temel Eğinli
Yayınevi: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık
*Course notes
References: *Sağlık Kurumlarında İletişim
Nobel akademik yayıncılık
Ramazan Erdem
*Sağlık İletişimi - Ayla Okay
Derin Yayınları
*Kişilerarası İletişim
Yazar: Demet Gürüz , Ayşen Temel Eğinli
Yayınevi: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık
*Course notları

Course-Program Learning Outcome Relationship

Learning Outcomes







Program Outcomes
1) Accepting the patient within the competence, preparing the patient for the examination
2) Applying the desired electroenophysiological tests, EEG, ENMG and UP according to the correct methods and procedures
3) Prepare all the devices used in the electroneurophysiology laboratory for measurements
4) To learn the features and treatments of neurological diseases and treatments
5) Carrying out the follow-up and control of the patient records which have been examined in the laboratory until the reporting period
6) Ability to work in labs according to quality goal
7) Can apply all procedures for working environment and biosecurity of the environment
8) To be knowledgeable about neurological diseases To know basic signs and symptoms of neurological diseases To know the tests used in diagnosis and follow-up of neurological diseases
9) To be able to maintain individual communication before and after the examination with the patients in the laboratory
10) Prepare all necessary electrodes, connection cables and disposable electrodes to be used in laboratory tests and to use them correctly and safely
11) To be able to take care of an Electrourophysiology laboratory alone and to make up for its deficiencies

Course - Learning Outcome Relationship

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Accepting the patient within the competence, preparing the patient for the examination 4
2) Applying the desired electroenophysiological tests, EEG, ENMG and UP according to the correct methods and procedures
3) Prepare all the devices used in the electroneurophysiology laboratory for measurements
4) To learn the features and treatments of neurological diseases and treatments
5) Carrying out the follow-up and control of the patient records which have been examined in the laboratory until the reporting period
6) Ability to work in labs according to quality goal
7) Can apply all procedures for working environment and biosecurity of the environment
8) To be knowledgeable about neurological diseases To know basic signs and symptoms of neurological diseases To know the tests used in diagnosis and follow-up of neurological diseases
9) To be able to maintain individual communication before and after the examination with the patients in the laboratory 5
10) Prepare all necessary electrodes, connection cables and disposable electrodes to be used in laboratory tests and to use them correctly and safely
11) To be able to take care of an Electrourophysiology laboratory alone and to make up for its deficiencies

Learning Activity and Teaching Methods

Role Playing
Q&A / Discussion
Case Study

Assessment & Grading Methods and Criteria

Written Exam (Open-ended questions, multiple choice, true-false, matching, fill in the blanks, sequencing)
Oral Examination
Case study presentation

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Midterms 1 % 40
Final 1 % 60
total % 100
total % 100