UIS311 History of Politics in Turkey IIstanbul Okan UniversityDegree Programs Textile and Fashion DesignGeneral Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy StatementNational Qualifications
Textile and Fashion Design
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

General course introduction information

Course Code: UIS311
Course Name: History of Politics in Turkey I
Course Semester: Fall
Course Credits:
Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
3 0 3 6
Language of instruction: TR
Course Requisites:
Does the Course Require Work Experience?: No
Type of course: University / Faculty
Course Level:
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE:6. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:First Cycle EQF-LLL:6. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Dr.Öğr.Üyesi GÖKÇE BALABAN
Course Lecturer(s): Dr.Öğr.Üyesi GÖKÇE BALABAN
Course Assistants:

Course Objective and Content

Course Objectives: The purpose of this course is to analyze political developments in late Ottoman and republican periods until the early 21st century. In line with this objective, the course will cover historical development related with the modernization of Ottoman political system from 1789 to 1908; the developments of the Second Constitutional period; the transition from empire to republic; nation-building in the early republican era; transition to democracy between 1945 and 1950; the multi-party democracy between 1950-1980 and the three military coups (27 May 1960, 12 March 1971, and 12 September 1980); the surge of “identity politics” after the 1980s; the elections of November 2002 and beyond.

Course Content: Ottoman social and political structure in the premodern era; Reforms in the Ottoman Empire in the 18th and 19th century; Political modernization in the Ottoman Empire (1839-1908); Young Turks and the transition from empire to republic (1908-1923); Kemalism and socio-political change in the early republican period (1923-1938); İnönü Era and the transition to democracy (1938-1950); Democrat Party and “populist” democracy (1950-1960); May 27 military coup and political movements in the 1960s; March 12 military intervention and economic;political crisis in the 1970s; September 12 coup, the Özal era and after (1980-2002); Turkish politics since the JDP’s rise to power (2002- ).

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Learning Outcomes
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) • Recognize major political developments of the last period of the Ottoman Empire, first years of the Turkish Republic, one-party period and multiparty years.
2) • Distinguish the turning points in the historical development of the Turkish politics since the establishment of the Turkish Republic.
3) • Identify and compare competing historiographies on the Turkish political history.
4) • Relate the political themes during different historical phases of the Turkish political life since 1908 to the current political life.
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
Learning Competence
Field Specific Competence
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility

Lesson Plan

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) • Describe the content of the syllabus. • List the course outline • Explain the relevance of the course book and its author. • List extra course materials • Explain the grading system evaluation methods. • Recognize the importance of a scientific approach in the discipline of history. • Illustrate the relationship of history and politics with examples from everyday life. • Recognize the necessity of “periodization” in history. Review the Syllabus. Read the assigned readings for next class session: Zürcher, Turkey: A Modern History, 2012, p. 1-6.
2) • Explain the need to different methods of periodization in history • Recognize different ways of periodization in Turkish political history. • Explain changes in political regimes in Ottoman Empire and Turkey in succeeding periods. • Identify what historiography means • Discuss diverse and competing historiographical traditions of Turkish political history. • Explain the relationship between politics and history Read the assigned reading for next class session: Zürcher, Turkey: A Modern History, 2012, p. 9-20.
3) • Define the Ottoman social and political structure in the premodern era • Explain the “state tradition” in the Ottoman Empire • Identify the meaning of political legitimacy and justice in the Ottoman Empire • Recongnize the multi-ethnic and multi-lingual social structure of the Ottoman Empire • Discuss the “Millet” system as the basis of the Ottoman socio-political organization. • Discuss the center-periphery paradigm for understanding Turkish politics. Read the assigned reading for next class session: Zürcher, Turkey: A Modern History, 2012, p. 21-49.
4) • List the causes of the weakening economic and military power of the Ottoman Empire. • Explain the Empire’s responses to the “decay”. • Describe the new approach of Sultan Selim III and the “New Order” (1789–1807) • List the reforms of the ‘Nizam-ı Cedid’ • Discuss international relations of the Ottoman Empire during French Revolution and Napoleonic wars • Describe the ideological influence of the French Revolution • Describe the attempts of centralization during the reign of Sultan Mahmut II. • List territorial losses and rebellions in the empire • Discuss “the Eastern Question” • List the reforms in the field of education, military and bureaucracy. Read the assigned reading for next class session: Zürcher, Turkey: A Modern History, 2012, p. 50-90.
5) • Explain the characteristics of the Era of the Tanzimat, 1839–71 • Analyze the reform edict of Gülhane • Explain the change in the “millet” system • List the reforms in the military, bureaucracy, administration and the tax system • Explain the economic incorporation of the Ottoman Empire into the capitalist system. • Discuss the rise of the opposition and the constitutional movement • Discuss the constitutional revolution of 1876 • Describe different contemporary interpretations of the reign of Sultan Abdülhamit II and the causes of this debate. • Explain intercommunal tensions, conflicts and the rise of nationalism within the empire • Discuss the ideological motives of the Young Turk movement. Read the assigned reading for next class session: Zürcher, Turkey: A Modern History, 2012, p. 93-165.
6) • Explain the causes and the consequences of the Constitutional revolution of 1908 • Explain the causes and the consequences of the counterrevolution of April 1909 • Explain the causes and the consequences of the Balkan War and the Bab-ı Ali coup • Illustrate how the Unionist power was consolidated • Explain the entry of the Ottoman Empire into the First World War • Discuss the Armenian question • Illustrate the reform policies 1913–18: social and cultural change • Analyze the characteristics of the “National Economy” • Compare the rise of Turkish nationalism with earlier nationalist movements. Read the assigned reading for next class session: Zürcher, Turkey: A Modern History, 2012, p. 166-175.
7) • Explain the causes and the organization of the struggle for independence • Analyze political developments within the National Resistance Movement • Discuss the importance of the Peace Treaty of Lausanne for the foundation of the Republic. • Discuss on the centrality of the figure of Atatürk for the Turkish Republic • Compare the formation of the Turkish nation-state andTurkish national development with other cases from Europe. Read the assigned reading for next class session: Zürcher, Turkey: A Modern History, 2012, p. 176-205.
8) • Explain the circumstances in which the One-Party State emerged (1923-27) • Discuss the foundational institutions of the republic and the abolition of the caliphate • Analyze the split in the nationalist movement and the establishment of the Progressive Republican Party • Discuss the causes and consequences of the Sheikh Sait rebellion • Analyze the causes and consequences of the Izmir conspiracy • Explain the peculiarities of the Kemalist reforms inspired by the principles of secularism and nationalism • Analyze the conditions in which the Free Republican Party was founded and it was closed. • Illustrate how the one-party regime was consolidated. • Explain the economic policies of the Kemalist regime: Statism Read the assigned reading for next class session: Zürcher, Turkey: A Modern History, 2012, p. 206-218.
9) • Explain the national and international circumstances of the transition to democracy (1945–50) • Analyze the causes of the socio-economic pressure for change • Explain the emergence of the split within the Republican People’s Party (RPP). • Explain the international balance of power and the context of Cold War as external pressures for democratization • Analyze the stages of the process of democratization as gradual liberalization of the press and political parties Read the assigned reading for next class session: Zürcher, Turkey: A Modern History, 2012, p. 221-240.
10) • Recognize important developments during the rule of the Democratic Party, 1950–60 • Analyze and compare the results of the 1950, 1954 and 1957 elections • Illustrate the shift in economic policies in favor the agricultural sector • List the government’s steps which led to the increasing authoritarianism • Analyze the changes and continuities in the state’s policies concerning secularism during the DP rule • Explain the preconditions of the 1960 military coup. Read the assigned reading for next class session: Zürcher, Turkey: A Modern History, 2012, p. 241-277.
11) • Explain the characteristics and consequences of the military takeover of 27 May 1960 • Illustrate the measures taken for returning to democracy • List the features of the new Constitution and the new institutions of the republic • Analyze the rise of the Justice and Democracy Party and Demirel as its leader • Discuss the Republican People’s Party’s new “left of center” line • Explain the growth of political radicalism: the left and the right • Analyze the causes and results of the military ultimatum of 12 March 1971 • Explain the new economic policies of planning and import substitution Read the assigned reading for next class session: Zürcher, Turkey: A Modern History, 2012, p. 278-337.
12) • Discuss the causes and consequences of the 1980 coup and its aftermath • Illustrate how the new Constitution restructured and limited the democratic space • Explain the facets of economic and political liberalization during the rule of the Motherland Party • Discuss the impact of “the Turkish-Islamic Synthesis” on the social and cultural sphere • Analyze the rise of the Islamist movement in the 1980s and 1990s Read the assigned reading for next class session: Zürcher, Turkey: A Modern History, p. 278-310.
13) • Analyze the roots of the Kurdish problem and the PKK • Explain the “28 February 1997” intervention as the restoration of Kemalism • Analyze the split in the National Outlook movement and the rise of the Justice and Development Party • List the reforms influencing the relationship between Turkey and the EU • Discuss the changes in the role of the military in politics during the JDP period Read the assigned reading for next class session: Zürcher, Turkey: A Modern History, 2012, p. 310-337.
14) • Summarize the weekly themes of the course. • Compare the relationship between democracy, secularism and authoritarianism in the 2000s with the one in the 1950s • Discuss the changing dynamics of the Turkish politics in the 2000s • Define different political regimes in Turkish history • Differentiate significant political development in Turkish history
15) • Final Exam • Identify the names of the political regimes in Ottoman Empire/Turkey from 1789 to 2015 • Outline a timeline with the historical periods as analyzed in the course book • Discuss the impact of major political events, such as regime changes, reform programs or military/authoritarian interventions throughout Turkish political history


Course Notes / Textbooks: Erik Jan Zürcher, Modernleşen Türkiye’nin Tarihi, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2015.

Erik Jan Zürcher, Turkey: A Modern History, London: I. B. Tauris [2004], 3rd Edition, 2012. ISBN-13: 978-1860649585 | ISBN-10: 1860649580
References: Reşat Kasaba, der., Türkiye Tarihi (1839-2010), Çev.: Zuhal Bilgin, İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2011.
ISBN-10: 6051050744/ ISBN-13: 9786051050744
Carter Vaughn Findley, Modern Türkiye Tarihi: İslam, Milliyetçilik ve Modernlik (1789-2007), İstanbul: Timaş, 2011.
ISBN-10: 6051146938/ ISBN-13: 9786051146935
Carter Vaughn Findley, Dünya Tarihinde Türkler, Çev.: Ayşen Anadol, İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2006.
ISBN-10: 9756051078/ ISBN-13: 9789756051078
Feroz Ahmad, Modern Türkiye’nin Oluşumu, Çev.: Yavuz Alagon, İstanbul: Kaynak Yayınları, 2007.
ISBN-10: 9753432801/ ISBN-13: 9789753432801
Niyazi Berkes, Türkiye’de Çağdaşlaşma, İstanbul, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2002.
ISBN-10: 9750804341/ ISBN-13: 9789750804342
Bernard Lewis, Modern Türkiye’nin Doğuşu, Çev.: Metin Kıratlı, Ankara: TTK, 2007.
ISBN-10: 975160303X/ ISBN-13: 9789751603036
Sina Akşin, der., Türkiye Tarihi (1908-1980), C. 4, İstanbul: Cem Yayınevi, 1997.
ISBN-10: 9754065667/ ISBN-13: 9789754065664
Yüksel Taşkın ve Suavi Aydın, 1960’tan Günümüze Türkiye Tarihi, İstanbul: İletişim, 2014.
ISBN-10: 9750514629/ ISBN-13: 9789750514623

Reşat Kasaba, ed., Cambridge History of Turkey, Vol. 4: Turkey in the Modern World, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
ISBN-10: 0521620961/ISBN-13: 9780521620963
Carter Vaughn Findley, Turkey, Islam, Nationalism, and Modernity: A History (1789-2007), Yale University Press, 2010.
ISBN-10: 0300152604/ISBN-13: 9780300152609
Carter Vaughn Findley, The Turks in World History, Oxford University Press, 2005.
ISBN-10: 0195177266/ ISBN-13:9780195177268
Feroz Ahmad, The Making of Modern Turkey, London and New York, 1993.
ISBN-10: 0415078369/ ISBN-13: 9780415078368
Niyazi Berkes, The Development of Secularism in Turkey, New York: Routledge, 1998 (1964).
ISBN-10: 0415919827/ ISBN-13:9780415919821
Bernard Lewis, The Emergence of Modern Turkey, 3rd. ed., Oxford Univ. Press, 2002 (1961).
ISBN-10: 0195134605/ ISBN-13:9780195134605

Course-Program Learning Outcome Relationship

Learning Outcomes





Program Outcomes

Course - Learning Outcome Relationship

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution

Learning Activity and Teaching Methods

Q&A / Discussion

Assessment & Grading Methods and Criteria

Written Exam (Open-ended questions, multiple choice, true-false, matching, fill in the blanks, sequencing)

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Attendance 1 % 20
Quizzes 5 % 40
Final 1 % 40
total % 100
total % 100

Workload and ECTS Credit Grading

Activities Number of Activities Workload
Course Hours 15 45
Study Hours Out of Class 15 45
Quizzes 15 45
Final 15 45
Total Workload 180