MCAC215 Crew Resource Management and Basic Communication SkillsIstanbul Okan UniversityDegree Programs Civil Aviation Cabin Services (English)General Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy StatementNational Qualifications
Civil Aviation Cabin Services (English)
Associate TR-NQF-HE: Level 5 QF-EHEA: Short Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 5

General course introduction information

Course Code: MCAC215
Course Name: Crew Resource Management and Basic Communication Skills
Course Semester: Fall
Course Credits:
Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
2 0 2 5
Language of instruction: TR
Course Requisites:
Does the Course Require Work Experience?: No
Type of course: Compulsory
Course Level:
Associate TR-NQF-HE:5. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:Short Cycle EQF-LLL:5. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Öğr.Gör. SEMRA ORAK
Course Lecturer(s): Öğr.Gör. B.Öğretim Elemanı
Course Assistants:

Course Objective and Content

Course Objectives: This course will investigate the techniques and importance of provide knowledge of all important issues in crew resource management which is related with all communication process doing in aircrafts.
Course Content: This course aims to transfer all information, regulations and procedures about Crew Resource Management to students. Students who pass the course will be able to know about Crew Resource Management, and these are reinforced by examples. The identification of risk and hazards that may occur in the cabin due to disruption in the chain of command. Crew Resource Management will be held for all situations that may create risks related to explaining the definition important plans. the source of the accident and the using concept of Aviation Sector team in detail. Information and governance, risk and failure will have a general knowledge about the human and modern aviation terminology and the issues in detail.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Learning Outcomes
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) "• Describe the various types of risk and hazards that may occur in the cabin due to disruption in the chain of command ."
2) "• Explain how to know Crew Resource Management will be held for all situations that may create risks related to explaining the definition important plans."
3) "• List and explain how to know the principles of Crew Resource Management, and these are reinforced by examples."
4) "• Illustrate the benefit of the source of the accident and the using concept of Aviation Sector team in detail."
5) "• Identify and discuss information and governance, risk and failure will have a general knowledge about the human and modern aviation terminology and the issues in detail."
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
Learning Competence
Field Specific Competence
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility

Lesson Plan

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) "• Explaining to students with course outlines"
2) "• Analyze the Concept of crew • Explain the concept of the team in aviation • Describe Disclosure of Powers and Responsibilities of the Captain "
3) "• Analyze of the Accident Concept • Explain the concept Accident in Aviation • Define the Human Factors • Describe the Machine Factor"
4) "• Explain the Accident Environmental Factors • Analyze the Task Factors • Factor analyzes of the sweater in Management • Explaining the relationship with each other in an accident in producing Factor "
5) "• Describe the concept of Source • Analyze the Concept of the source in Aviation • Define the Management Team Concept • Explain the Flying Team Concept"
6) "• Analyzing the Crew Planner • Describe the Flying Planner • Define Airfield Control Concept • Analyze Air Tool Care Team Concept"
7) "• Analyze the concept of Flying Explaining Safety Officer • Explain Flying Health Team Concept • Define-Staff Family Concepts "
9) "• Explain the concept of Information and Management Concept • Describe Aviation Information and Management Concept • Analyze the Concept in Management • Explain the Management Concepts in Aviation "
10) "• Explain the concept of risk • Analyze the Concept of Risk in aviation • Describe the concept of error • Define the concept of Aviation Error"
11) "• Analyze the concepts of human factor • Explain Human Factors in aviation • Define Conceptual Model of the announcement of Human Factor "
12) "• Analyse formation of the CRM Concept • Explain the final targets and definitions • Describe advanced disclosure and the phase • Analyzing skills "
13) "• Explain the Safety Culture and Crew Resource Management Concepts • Describe Automation and Crew Resource Management Concepts • Define Flying Management and Crew Resource Management Analyzing the Concept • Analyzing and Evaluation "
14) "• Explain the Safety Culture and Crew Resource Management Concepts • Describe Automation and Crew Resource Management Concepts • Define Flying Management and Crew Resource Management Analyzing the Concept • Analyzing and Evaluation "
15) Final Exam


Course Notes / Textbooks: Havayolları Dokümanları
IATA-ICAO Dokümanları
References: Havayolları Dokümanları
IATA-ICAO Dokümanları

Course-Program Learning Outcome Relationship

Learning Outcomes






Program Outcomes
1) 1.Civil Aviation can take responsibility within the group as an individual while working in the industry.

Course - Learning Outcome Relationship

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) 1.Civil Aviation can take responsibility within the group as an individual while working in the industry. 5

Learning Activity and Teaching Methods

Brainstorming/ Six tihnking hats
Individual study and homework
Group study and homework
Role Playing
Q&A / Discussion

Assessment & Grading Methods and Criteria

Written Exam (Open-ended questions, multiple choice, true-false, matching, fill in the blanks, sequencing)
Oral Examination
Individual Project

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Midterms 1 % 40
Final 1 % 60
total % 100
total % 100

Workload and ECTS Credit Grading

Activities Number of Activities Duration (Hours) Workload
Course Hours 14 2 28
Laboratory 14 2 28
Application 14 2 28
Study Hours Out of Class 14 3 42
Homework Assignments 14 1 14
Midterms 1 1 1
Final 1 1 1
Total Workload 142