YMD325 Web RadyoIstanbul Okan UniversityDegree Programs Banking and Finance (English)General Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy StatementNational Qualifications
Banking and Finance (English)
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

General course introduction information

Course Code: YMD325
Course Name: Web Radyo
Course Semester: Spring
Course Credits:
Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
3 0 3 4
Language of instruction: TR
Course Requisites:
Does the Course Require Work Experience?: No
Type of course: University Elective
Course Level:
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE:6. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:First Cycle EQF-LLL:6. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Dr.Öğr.Üyesi AYŞE NAZLIHAN BEŞİKTAŞ
Course Lecturer(s): Dr.Öğr.Üyesi SEMRA GEÇKİN ONAT
Course Assistants:

Course Objective and Content

Course Objectives: This course aims to teach the main components of radio broadcasting and its history in Turkey as well as the development of private radios abroad especially in England, to scrutinise the radio broadcasting and program formats and to analyse the the specific format of a radio broadcast. Students completing the course are going to take roles in broadcasting through O’Radio and welcome visitors from broadcasting area.
Course Content: Traditional broadcasting, Differences between traditional and digital broadcasting, radio broadcasting, Radio Program Creation and Production Process, Production Approaches and Elements, Audio Narration Elements, Sound recording and editing, radio studio and broadcasting equipment, radio broadcasting on the web, new generation broadcasting programs.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Learning Outcomes
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
1) Understanding radio broadcasting, learning basic terminology of both traditional and digital broadcasting in radio broadcasting. Understanding of radio program creation and production processes, production approaches and elements.
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
1) To be able to perform all production stages of speech and music programs practically by mastering the radio program production processes, to make sound recordings and edits using digital broadcasting applications, to analyze and criticize previously designed radio programs and broadcasts.
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
1) To be able to recommend and apply radio broadcasting and content that creates awareness for social problems that are beneficial for the social environment in which they live, by combining their knowledge and experience with the awareness of social responsibility.
Learning Competence
1) To be able to transfer the knowledge acquired in the field of radio broadcasting to other disciplines in the field of communication and broadcasting. To be able to evaluate the advanced knowledge and skills in the field with a critical approach.
Field Specific Competence
1) To act in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethical values during the planning, implementation, interpretation and announcement of the results of the programs related to digital radio broadcasting.
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility
1) To be able to carry the information gained in the field of radio program design in daily life, to create digital broadcast content in line with their own goals and tastes. Learning how to behave in designing programs for radio broadcasting.

Lesson Plan

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Course overview. None
2) Historical development of radio broadcasting. Radyo Yayıncılığı. Aysel Aziz- Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık
3) The history of radio broadcasting in Turkey. The milestones of radio broadcasting in Turkey. Radyonun Sihirli Kapısı. Meltem Ahiska – Metis Yayınları.
4) Traditional Radio - Digital radio. The differences between traditional and digital broadcasting. Televizyon ve Radyo Yayıncılığı (Giriş). Aysel Aziz - Hiperlink Yayınları
5) Audio Expression Elements and types. Radyo Yayıncılığı. Aysel Aziz- Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık
6) Sound recording and editing techniques in radio broadcasting. Televizyon ve Radyo Yayıncılığı (Giriş). Aysel Aziz - Hiperlink Yayınları
7) Midterm Exam. None
8) Radio Program Creation and Production Process, Production Approaches and Elements. Radyo Yayıncılığı. Aysel Aziz- Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Televizyon ve Radyo Yayıncılığı (Giriş). Aysel Aziz - Hiperlink Yayınları
9) Radio Program Creation and Production Process, Production Approaches and Elements -2 Radyo Yayıncılığı. Aysel Aziz- Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Televizyon ve Radyo Yayıncılığı (Giriş). Aysel Aziz - Hiperlink Yayınları
10) Radio program types: Radio journalism, news writing. ..
11) Radio Program Types: Music programs. ..
12) Radio Program Types: Word-based programs, education-culture programs. ..
13) Radio broadcasting systems and organizational structure. Traditional radio studio and equipment vs. digital publishing applications and tools. Radyo Yayıncılığı. Aysel Aziz- Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık
14) Final project. Realization and broadcast of the designed radio programs. None


Course Notes / Textbooks: Radyonun Sihirli Kapısı. Meltem Ahiska – Metis Yayınları.
Radyo Yayıncılığı. Aysel Aziz- Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık
Televizyon ve Radyo Yayıncılığı (Giriş). Aysel Aziz - Hiperlink Yayınları
References: Ders kapsamında her hafta ilgili konuya ilişkin sunumlar gerçekleştirilecek ve ders sonrasında bu sunumlar oluşturulan mail grubu, dosya barındırma servisleri vb. yoluyla öğrencilerle paylaşılacaktır.

Course-Program Learning Outcome Relationship

Learning Outcomes







Program Outcomes
1) Explain the essential body of knowledge in the area of banking and finance, including evolution of the discipline, the state-of-the-art concepts, scientific methodology, theories and models.
2) Employ the appropriate tools and analytical techniques to collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative data in the related areas, interpret results and propose solutions.
3) Recognize why financial institutions and financial intermediation exist and how they are structured.
4) Distinguish the insight about basic banking principles and regulations surrounding the banking industry.
5) Discover and create entrepreneurial opportunities and expertise to successfully establish and develop their own ventures.
6) Recognize, interpret and discuss the current global economic issues.
7) Communicate in written and oral English with people from diverse backgrounds, and have the English proficiency to follow and interpret the global dynamics in the areas of banking and finance.
8) Express the role of international capital markets in the global economy; accordingly define the concept of risk in terms of measurement and management.
9) Identify standards of personal, professional, social and business ethics, evaluate the ethical implications of various practices in the related areas, and be aware the importance of ethical behavior in adding value to the society.

Course - Learning Outcome Relationship

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Explain the essential body of knowledge in the area of banking and finance, including evolution of the discipline, the state-of-the-art concepts, scientific methodology, theories and models.
2) Employ the appropriate tools and analytical techniques to collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative data in the related areas, interpret results and propose solutions.
3) Recognize why financial institutions and financial intermediation exist and how they are structured.
4) Distinguish the insight about basic banking principles and regulations surrounding the banking industry.
5) Discover and create entrepreneurial opportunities and expertise to successfully establish and develop their own ventures.
6) Recognize, interpret and discuss the current global economic issues.
7) Communicate in written and oral English with people from diverse backgrounds, and have the English proficiency to follow and interpret the global dynamics in the areas of banking and finance.
8) Express the role of international capital markets in the global economy; accordingly define the concept of risk in terms of measurement and management.
9) Identify standards of personal, professional, social and business ethics, evaluate the ethical implications of various practices in the related areas, and be aware the importance of ethical behavior in adding value to the society.

Learning Activity and Teaching Methods

Field Study
Individual study and homework
Project preparation
Technical Tour
Application (Modelling, Design, Model, Simulation, Experiment etc.)
Web Based Learning

Assessment & Grading Methods and Criteria

Written Exam (Open-ended questions, multiple choice, true-false, matching, fill in the blanks, sequencing)
Individual Project
Bilgisayar Destekli Sunum

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Project 2 % 50
Final 1 % 50
total % 100
total % 100

Workload and ECTS Credit Grading

Activities Number of Activities Workload
Course Hours 15 45
Study Hours Out of Class 15 30
Project 12 24
Midterms 1 3
Final 2 6
Total Workload 108