HRE414 Corporate Social ResponsibiltyIstanbul Okan UniversityDegree Programs Public Relations and AdvertisingGeneral Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy StatementNational Qualifications
Public Relations and Advertising
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

General course introduction information

Course Code: HRE414
Course Name: Corporate Social Responsibilty
Course Semester: Fall
Course Credits:
Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
3 0 3 6
Language of instruction: TR
Course Requisites:
Does the Course Require Work Experience?: No
Type of course: Speciality Elective
Course Level:
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE:6. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:First Cycle EQF-LLL:6. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Assoc. Prof. NEZAHAT HANZADE URALMAN
Course Lecturer(s): Dr.Öğr.Üyesi SERRA ORKAN
Course Assistants:

Course Objective and Content

Course Objectives: The social responsibility applications that are informed about the general concepts of corporate social responsibility are centered. Emphasis is placed on volunteering by examining the work of key actors of social responsibility practices. These professors who will gain detailed information on the Corporate Social Responsibility studies, which are important points of the communication sector, will gain competencies that are important for their careers.
Course Content: Understanding the relationship between theoretical knowledge and practice in CSR
Understanding the role of holistic view and communication in achieving CSR
Experience volunteering
To be able to discuss the concepts of sustainability, ethics and responsibility in practice
Learning stakeholder sensitivities, learning the best practice examples of the pioneered social responsibility approach

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Learning Outcomes
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
1) Understanding and being aware of current problems of societies and global world and planning projects.
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
1) Being socially responsible citizens, managers and communication specialists.
Learning Competence
Field Specific Competence
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility

Lesson Plan

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) Introductory course: Overview of the concept of CSR. Discussion on basic concepts. Homework: assigned reading for next class session- Argüden, Yılmaz. "Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk." Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk: İşletmeler ve Sosyal Sorumluluk (2007)
2) Basic actors of CSR and application examples Homework: assigned reading for next class session- Argüden, Yılmaz. "Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk." Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk: İşletmeler ve Sosyal Sorumluluk (2007)
3) Non-governmental organizations; structures, functions, studies. Homework: assigned reading for next class session- Argüden, Yılmaz. "Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk." Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk: İşletmeler ve Sosyal Sorumluluk (2007)
4) Private sector; CSR studies. Homework: assigned reading for next class session- Argüden, Yılmaz. "Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk." Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk: İşletmeler ve Sosyal Sorumluluk (2007)
5) The concept of volunteerism and its applications. Homework: assigned reading for next class session- Argüden, Yılmaz. "Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk." Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk: İşletmeler ve Sosyal Sorumluluk (2007)
6) Meetings with course stakeholders, needs analysis. Homework: assigned reading for next class session- Argüden, Yılmaz. "Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk." Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk: İşletmeler ve Sosyal Sorumluluk (2007)
8) Creation of volunteer working groups: Creation of field and support groups. Homework: assigned reading for next class session - Volunteering [electronic resource] : why we can't survive without it / Melanie Oppenheimer Handouts will be provided as needed
9) Field groups start work. Support group meetings and role distributions (design, communication plan, announcement, organization, etc.). Perform preliminary research studies. Homework: assigned reading for next class session - Volunteering [electronic resource] : why we can't survive without it / Melanie Oppenheimer Handouts will be provided as needed
10) Presenting draft studies of support groups. Presentation of status reports on the work of field groups. Homework: assigned reading for next class session - Volunteering [electronic resource] : why we can't survive without it / Melanie Oppenheimer Handouts will be provided as needed
11) To study pre-implementation preparations by determining working groups' plans, calendars and tactics of support groups. Continuation of field group work. Homework: assigned reading for next class session - Volunteering [electronic resource] : why we can't survive without it / Melanie Oppenheimer Handouts will be provided as needed
12) Support groups evaluate application preparations. Presentation of site group status reports. Homework: assigned reading for next class session - Volunteering [electronic resource] : why we can't survive without it / Melanie Oppenheimer Handouts will be provided as needed
13) Field and support groups meeting Homework: assigned reading for next class session - Volunteering [electronic resource] : why we can't survive without it / Melanie Oppenheimer Handouts will be provided as needed
14) Field and support groups meeting Homework: assigned reading for next class session - Volunteering [electronic resource] : why we can't survive without it / Melanie Oppenheimer Handouts will be provided as needed
15) Presentations of student experience reports. Reading presentations for the next lesson
16) Presentations of student experience reports. General evaluation Reading presentations for the next lesson


Course Notes / Textbooks: Argüden, Yılmaz. "Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk." Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk: İşletmeler ve Sosyal Sorumluluk (2007)
References: Volunteering [electronic resource] : why we can't survive without it / Melanie Oppenheimer Handouts will be provided as needed

Course-Program Learning Outcome Relationship

Learning Outcomes



Program Outcomes
1) 1. Comprehending theories of interpersonal communication, 2. Know the basic concepts and practices of public relations and advertising,
2) 1. Understanding the basic principles and principles of communication and developing a point of view in this direction, 2. Be able to understand and interpret theoretical approaches in the field of communication, 3. Mass communicaiton theories and their comprehension and discussion to relation between the activities of professional communicators, 4. Use of information related to the fields of communication science, business management, marketing, sociology, organizational behavior, economics, political science, law, scientific research and cultural studies into public relations and advertising discipline, 5. Knowing all elements of marketing communication; strategy development, research, planning and application in issues advertisement, public relations, sales, direct marketing and e-communication, 6. Data compilation, application, analysis and interpretation of results, 7. Apply to the field and solve problems of basic behavioral sciences, 8. Ability to plan, define, model and solve related to public relations campaigns, 9. Understanding the interaction between public relations and management which is a business function, 10. Necessary research for a successful public relations application, definition of objectives, identifying target groups and corresponding messages to these, choosing the right councils and evaluating the results, 11. Related to advertising campaigns planning, definition, modelling and ability to solve, 12. Acquire and use managerial skills in the advertising sector, 13. Media research, planning and purchasing knowledge and skills, 14. Design and implement to the advertisement materials for various advertisement channels
3) 1. Make active presentations using appropriate announcement texts and visual aids for speeches and meetings; be able to express oneself and present a project, 2. Working as a team member and taking responsibility, 3. Resolve possible crises in institutions by assessing political, economic and technological all developments that will affect the field of public relations and to produce parallel strategies to the new situation, 4. Recognizing, understanding and designing elements of successful corporate communication, 5. Supply the stated or felt requirements, public relations services development in accordance with accepted professional standards, 6. Apply creative thinking methods and techniques,
4) 1. Comprehending media literacy skills in the news taking process, 2. Comprehension of conceptual connections between public relations, advertising and politics, 3. Having knowledge and interpretation about the periodical processes of advertising, 4. Identify market research required for advertisement implementations and be able to evaluate in terms of advertising,
5) 1. Ability to follow the development of education, science and technology and to recognize and describe the interaction of these elements with communication processes, 2. Applying to public relations, advertising and communication fields following new methods and technologies, 3. To use information communication technologies strategically within advertising and marketing, 4. To be able to comprehend and use contemporary techniques and software in the field of visual design, 5. To be able to follow national and international the contemporary problems, threads in the field of advertising, 6. To create a true dialectic mental, psychological and moral conditions with the Public Relations practices and acknowledging that the parties have the right to disclose their own situation and views, 7. Take care of the truth in Public Relations practices, to disseminate of information that is not based on sustainable and preconceived facts, 8. In Public Relations messages prepared for the promotion of products with regard to young people and children, they will damage their trust feelings, taking care to avoid no content that will affect psychological and physical weaknesses, 9. When practicing their profession, take care to ensure fair representation of the views of all interested parties, 10. Respecting the principle of confidentiality of confidential information that can be obtained by professions, 11. Pay attention to the fact that communication by their profession is based on open, correct, bi-directional and fully informed. 12. Where it is necessary to compete in a personal or institutional level, disuses the personal / institutional links that would unfairly affect competition; secondary undertaken tasks etc. as it will serve this purpose, 13. To prevent discrimination and promote the development of positive discrimination in intra-agency communication, 14. Supporting precautionary approaches to environmental problems in the business world, 15. To support all kinds of activities and formation that will increase environmental responsibility, 16. To support the development and diffusion of environmental friendly technologies,
6) 1. Understand social organizations and institutions, family, religious institutions and their relationship with communication, 2. Carry out public relations and advertising practices based on a common and broad knowledge base, academic studies, researchs, ethical principles and performance auditing, 3. To know and understand the quality concept in public relations and advertisement, 4. In Turkey and in the world of brand management strategy evaluation, implement brand strategies and analyze various campaigns, 5. Targeting to receive a quality certificate, performance audit and to apply continuously systems to improve the quality, 6. Applying the Public Relations profession not only to the institution but also to oversee the benefit of collecting, 7. Identify messages that are appropriate for the target audience in the advertisement and choosing the right councils and evaluating the results, 8. To be able to interpret legal regulations intented for communication and advertisement field, 9. To recognize the basic principles of concord, manage the processes of concord or to work get a job in these processes, 10. Recognition of ethical principles in the International Advertising Practice Guidelines; in this respect, advertising applications integrity, honesty, social responsibility, protection of children and young people, respect for personal rights, sensitivity to health and environment, to be able to evaluate in terms of subjects such as the protection of the consumer, 11. To design, plan, implement and evaluate communication activities with the belief that all individuals should benefit from the rights arising from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 12. Protecting and respecting human dignity in communication activities, ensuring that everyone has their own judgment, 13. Under all conditions, in public relations practies, to behove in shape of protecting mutuall interests are served both by this assocation and by this assocation of public societies, 14. Performing public relations and advertising profession so as not to damage the public interest, 15. Observing that the communication they establish by aiming to create mutual understanding during their professional activities is not harmful attribution to the cultural values and beliefs of society in terms of both legal and ethical, 16. Acting in harmony with articles the Idea and Artworks Law during the works, 17. Do not accept tasks that are contrary to the principles of professional ethics, 18. Work to protect and upgrade the reputation and prestige of the profession, 19. Do not be in comments and behaviors that would damage the reputation of your colleagues, 20. Respect for the Press Professional Principles with the freedom of the media to receive information and to inform the public, 21. The blogs, forums, video and photo sharing sites and similiar social media tools are enriching in the sense of changing and reflecting public opinion therefore in those channels professional activities the identity of the representatives in these meetings in terms of transparency principle, 22. Do not mislead public opinion or its representatives, 23. Do not use blackmail, bribe and repression, 24. As a public relations expert, do not sign a contract with a client or employer that guarantees quantitative results, 25. Not to be included in the initiatives and commitments in feature that are contradictory to social rules, dishonest, damage human dignity and character, 26. To promote and respect human rights declared in the business world, 27. Not being complicit of human rights violations in the business world, 28. To oppose all kinds of child labor, 29. Fighting corruption in the business world, 30. To struggle with corruption in the business world, 31. To carry out professional practices in order to not violate the ethical principles in purview public relations and advertising.

Course - Learning Outcome Relationship

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) 1. Comprehending theories of interpersonal communication, 2. Know the basic concepts and practices of public relations and advertising,
2) 1. Understanding the basic principles and principles of communication and developing a point of view in this direction, 2. Be able to understand and interpret theoretical approaches in the field of communication, 3. Mass communicaiton theories and their comprehension and discussion to relation between the activities of professional communicators, 4. Use of information related to the fields of communication science, business management, marketing, sociology, organizational behavior, economics, political science, law, scientific research and cultural studies into public relations and advertising discipline, 5. Knowing all elements of marketing communication; strategy development, research, planning and application in issues advertisement, public relations, sales, direct marketing and e-communication, 6. Data compilation, application, analysis and interpretation of results, 7. Apply to the field and solve problems of basic behavioral sciences, 8. Ability to plan, define, model and solve related to public relations campaigns, 9. Understanding the interaction between public relations and management which is a business function, 10. Necessary research for a successful public relations application, definition of objectives, identifying target groups and corresponding messages to these, choosing the right councils and evaluating the results, 11. Related to advertising campaigns planning, definition, modelling and ability to solve, 12. Acquire and use managerial skills in the advertising sector, 13. Media research, planning and purchasing knowledge and skills, 14. Design and implement to the advertisement materials for various advertisement channels
3) 1. Make active presentations using appropriate announcement texts and visual aids for speeches and meetings; be able to express oneself and present a project, 2. Working as a team member and taking responsibility, 3. Resolve possible crises in institutions by assessing political, economic and technological all developments that will affect the field of public relations and to produce parallel strategies to the new situation, 4. Recognizing, understanding and designing elements of successful corporate communication, 5. Supply the stated or felt requirements, public relations services development in accordance with accepted professional standards, 6. Apply creative thinking methods and techniques,
4) 1. Comprehending media literacy skills in the news taking process, 2. Comprehension of conceptual connections between public relations, advertising and politics, 3. Having knowledge and interpretation about the periodical processes of advertising, 4. Identify market research required for advertisement implementations and be able to evaluate in terms of advertising,
5) 1. Ability to follow the development of education, science and technology and to recognize and describe the interaction of these elements with communication processes, 2. Applying to public relations, advertising and communication fields following new methods and technologies, 3. To use information communication technologies strategically within advertising and marketing, 4. To be able to comprehend and use contemporary techniques and software in the field of visual design, 5. To be able to follow national and international the contemporary problems, threads in the field of advertising, 6. To create a true dialectic mental, psychological and moral conditions with the Public Relations practices and acknowledging that the parties have the right to disclose their own situation and views, 7. Take care of the truth in Public Relations practices, to disseminate of information that is not based on sustainable and preconceived facts, 8. In Public Relations messages prepared for the promotion of products with regard to young people and children, they will damage their trust feelings, taking care to avoid no content that will affect psychological and physical weaknesses, 9. When practicing their profession, take care to ensure fair representation of the views of all interested parties, 10. Respecting the principle of confidentiality of confidential information that can be obtained by professions, 11. Pay attention to the fact that communication by their profession is based on open, correct, bi-directional and fully informed. 12. Where it is necessary to compete in a personal or institutional level, disuses the personal / institutional links that would unfairly affect competition; secondary undertaken tasks etc. as it will serve this purpose, 13. To prevent discrimination and promote the development of positive discrimination in intra-agency communication, 14. Supporting precautionary approaches to environmental problems in the business world, 15. To support all kinds of activities and formation that will increase environmental responsibility, 16. To support the development and diffusion of environmental friendly technologies,
6) 1. Understand social organizations and institutions, family, religious institutions and their relationship with communication, 2. Carry out public relations and advertising practices based on a common and broad knowledge base, academic studies, researchs, ethical principles and performance auditing, 3. To know and understand the quality concept in public relations and advertisement, 4. In Turkey and in the world of brand management strategy evaluation, implement brand strategies and analyze various campaigns, 5. Targeting to receive a quality certificate, performance audit and to apply continuously systems to improve the quality, 6. Applying the Public Relations profession not only to the institution but also to oversee the benefit of collecting, 7. Identify messages that are appropriate for the target audience in the advertisement and choosing the right councils and evaluating the results, 8. To be able to interpret legal regulations intented for communication and advertisement field, 9. To recognize the basic principles of concord, manage the processes of concord or to work get a job in these processes, 10. Recognition of ethical principles in the International Advertising Practice Guidelines; in this respect, advertising applications integrity, honesty, social responsibility, protection of children and young people, respect for personal rights, sensitivity to health and environment, to be able to evaluate in terms of subjects such as the protection of the consumer, 11. To design, plan, implement and evaluate communication activities with the belief that all individuals should benefit from the rights arising from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 12. Protecting and respecting human dignity in communication activities, ensuring that everyone has their own judgment, 13. Under all conditions, in public relations practies, to behove in shape of protecting mutuall interests are served both by this assocation and by this assocation of public societies, 14. Performing public relations and advertising profession so as not to damage the public interest, 15. Observing that the communication they establish by aiming to create mutual understanding during their professional activities is not harmful attribution to the cultural values and beliefs of society in terms of both legal and ethical, 16. Acting in harmony with articles the Idea and Artworks Law during the works, 17. Do not accept tasks that are contrary to the principles of professional ethics, 18. Work to protect and upgrade the reputation and prestige of the profession, 19. Do not be in comments and behaviors that would damage the reputation of your colleagues, 20. Respect for the Press Professional Principles with the freedom of the media to receive information and to inform the public, 21. The blogs, forums, video and photo sharing sites and similiar social media tools are enriching in the sense of changing and reflecting public opinion therefore in those channels professional activities the identity of the representatives in these meetings in terms of transparency principle, 22. Do not mislead public opinion or its representatives, 23. Do not use blackmail, bribe and repression, 24. As a public relations expert, do not sign a contract with a client or employer that guarantees quantitative results, 25. Not to be included in the initiatives and commitments in feature that are contradictory to social rules, dishonest, damage human dignity and character, 26. To promote and respect human rights declared in the business world, 27. Not being complicit of human rights violations in the business world, 28. To oppose all kinds of child labor, 29. Fighting corruption in the business world, 30. To struggle with corruption in the business world, 31. To carry out professional practices in order to not violate the ethical principles in purview public relations and advertising.

Learning Activity and Teaching Methods

Brainstorming/ Six tihnking hats

Assessment & Grading Methods and Criteria

Written Exam (Open-ended questions, multiple choice, true-false, matching, fill in the blanks, sequencing)
Individual Project

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Homework Assignments 1 % 10
Presentation 1 % 10
Midterms 1 % 20
Final 1 % 60
total % 100
total % 100

Workload and ECTS Credit Grading

Activities Number of Activities Workload
Course Hours 14 42
Midterms 1 1
Final 1 1
Total Workload 44