RUS106 Russian II Istanbul Okan UniversityDegree Programs Chinese Translation and InterpretingGeneral Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy StatementNational Qualifications
Chinese Translation and Interpreting
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF-LLL: Level 6

General course introduction information

Course Code: RUS106
Course Name: Russian II
Course Semester: Spring
Course Credits:
Theoretical Practical Credit ECTS
2 2 3 5
Language of instruction:
Course Requisites:
Does the Course Require Work Experience?: Yes
Type of course: Foreign Language Elective
Course Level:
Bachelor TR-NQF-HE:6. Master`s Degree QF-EHEA:First Cycle EQF-LLL:6. Master`s Degree
Mode of Delivery: Face to face
Course Coordinator : Öğr.Gör. ZEYNEP BAKAL
Course Lecturer(s): Öğr.Gör. ZEYNEP BAKAL
Course Assistants:

Course Objective and Content

Course Objectives: • To provide students with the basic knowledge to meet Russian language requirements by transferring knowledge of Russian at the level required by the European Common Language Criteria A1 / 1 level.
• To have basic knowledge of vocabulary
• Conducting dialogue and text writing activities on specific topics.
• To carry out verbal communication without prior preparation on certain subjects.
• To have oral and written language skills to provide basic communication in daily life
• Analyze, interpret and translate simple texts written and spoken in Russian
• To gain knowledge about intellectual and cultural traditions in the countries where Russian is spoken and to be aware of the behaviors and attitudes specific to these cultures.
Course Content: • Asking the simplest questions about people (such as place of residence, acquaintances, possessions) and answering similar questions.
• Use simple expressions about the most basic requirements or well-known topics and answer the questions asked.
• Introduce yourself and others, ask for personal information such as where you live, and answer.
• Read, understand and translate simple texts
• Write personal information on simple information forms,
• Use numbers, quantities, price and time units.
• Using simple courtesy patterns.
• Understand simple directions.

Learning Outcomes

The students who have succeeded in this course;
Learning Outcomes
1 - Knowledge
Theoretical - Conceptual
2 - Skills
Cognitive - Practical
3 - Competences
Communication and Social Competence
1) - Very limited word of information about the person and some concrete situations It has its own vocabulary and idiom. - Just a few simple grammatical structures in a memorized vocabulary and example sentences indicates a limited degree of judgment. - Can use very short, disconnected, mostly pre-prepared expressions; searching for expressions, he/she requires a lot of interlocking to say little known words or to remove meaning problems. "- Asks questions about the person and answer similar questions. It can be understood simply, but communication depends entirely on the slow repetition, different identification or correction of what is spoken. - Can connect words and word sets with simple connectors such as “and” or “after”. - But when the conversations are repeated slowly, speak in other words he/she can be understood very simply when it is brought or corrected. Daily needs or well-known topics when it comes to asking simple questions, answering questions, making simple determinations, and can respond to what has been done."
Learning Competence
1) "- He/she can understand speaking very slowly and carefully what is said on long intervals. - Speaking to him/ her slowly and clearly understand directions, short and simple directions." "- By choosing names, words, and simple phrases that he/she knows, and can read and understand very short and simple texts gradually by reading over and over again. - Can understand short and simple messages on postcards. - The usual name, word and much about everyday situations recognize basic expressions in simple messages. - Simple information sources and short, simple, especially containing visual support have an idea about the content of descriptions. - Can understand short and simple written directions.
2) "- Can understand carefully and slowly directed questions and instructions, short and simple directions . Ask simple questions about the most important needs or very common issues, and can respond, make simple determinations, and respond to similar detections. Where he lives, acquaintances, things that belong to him, etc. can ask personal questions about and answer similar questions. "Next week"", It can determine the time with expressions such as ""last Friday"", ""November"" or ""three o'clock"". - Can answer personal questions in an interview, if is slowly, understandable, straightforward and simple without a statement . - From simple phrases about personal things and concrete needs has a very basic vocabulary. - He/she has a basic knowledge of words and phrases related to some concrete situations. - Has a repertoire on a limited memorization covering several simple grammar structures and phrases . - They speak the mother tongue that speaks to him, the language he speaks from very limited, memorized words and phrases if he is accustomed to talking to strangers belonging to his family. When he/she pronounces a repertoire formed, they can understand what they are saying with little effort. - The simplest to greet someone or say goodbye to someone by using courtesy patterns, saying please and thank you, introducing yourself or apologizing, etc. can establish a simple social relationship. - Can combine simple conjunctions like “and” or “after” with words and phrases. - Can use very short, stereotyped and mostly memorized expressions; but he often takes a break to find words, to say little-known words, and to fix communication gaps. - Can describe people and places using simple and mostly stereotyped expressions. - Can introduce him/herself ; what is his/her job and where he/she lives. -He/she can read a prepared short speech, such as introducing or congratulating a speaker." "- Can write simple, stereotyped phrases and sentences. - Can write using simple phrases and sentences where he/she lives, what he/she do using idioms with simple sentences. - can request written information about a person or convey informations. - Can write short and simple postcards. - Can write numbers and information on a hotel registration form or a required form where he/she arrives, name, nationality, age, date of birth and date of arrival, etc. - Can write printed words and short texts by looking at . - Has a very basic vocabulary consisting of simple phrases about personal things and concrete needs. - Has a basic set of words and phrases for some concrete situations. - Has a repertoire on limited memorization covering several simple grammar structures and phrases. - Can write the simple signs or instructions, names of everyday objects, usual words and short phrases such as store names or regular expressions. He can spell the address, nationality and other personal information. - Can combine words and phrases with simple conjunctions like “and” or “after”.
Field Specific Competence
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility

Lesson Plan

Week Subject Related Preparation
1) • Repetition of the 4th course. • “почему - потому что” pattern, “говорить по телефону говорить по скайпу” patterns, “Скажите пожалуйста” pattern.
2) • Numbers between 100-1000. • Prepositional Case. • The question of “Где”, the prepositions of “в” and “на”, months, seasons and the time of the year, the use of the verbs “Жить and учиться” in the form of the name.
3) • The verbs “Стоять, лежать, сидеть”, the use of the verb “Играть” to meet the “на чём?” Question, the question “когда”, the verb “бывать” and the phrase “находиться”
4) • поэтому connector, о ком, о чём pattern, • Personal pronouns in prepositional case. (обо мне, о тебе.)
5) • Use of the verbs рассказывать разговоривать мечтать говорить думать читать. • “хотеть + что делать”, Холодно, жарко, тепло verbs, adjectives in Russian, and colors.
6) • Change of adjectives according to gender, questions of adjectives, use of adjectives and pronouns (этот), an adjective stating superiority in Russian. (самый), “нравиться” pattern. Usage with “мне тебе нам вам ей ему”. • Quiz
7) • Adjective - verb separation, “как называется”, ИК-5 “Какой красивый город”! Giving intonation information with an example, “не только ,,,. но и ... ”pattern, p. Processing of the reading on page 131, the concept of nationality.
8) • Verbs “танцевать” and “начинать”, number of rows., The noun –i. "Кого and что" questions, • Accusative case. • Personal pronouns in accusative case. • Verbs ждать встречать пить есть видеть слышать.
9) • Midterm
10) • Introduction to action verbs in Russian with the verbs "идти and ехать", questions of "куда?" And "где?", The changes in Russian by day, month, week and year.
11) • “Который” conjunction, “сколько времени” “как долго” patterns. “Часто ≠ редко, всегда ≠ никогда, иногда, обычно, больше ≠ меньше verbs,“ с удовольствием ”,“ согласен, согласна, согласны ”patterns.
12) • Entering to action verbs in Russian with the verbs "Идти and ехать", questions of "куда?" And "где?", The use of the words "можно, надо, лучше", how to get there? Learning the answers to the question, the verbs “узнавать” and “выбирать”.
13) • Changing of numbers in days, months, weeks and years in Russian, “который” conjunction, “сколько времени” “как долго” patterns, “часто ≠ редко, всегда ≠ никогда, иногда, обычно, больше негезе, ”,“ Согласен, согласна, согласны ”patterns.
14) •An overview.


Course Notes / Textbooks: Русский сезон – Элементарный уровень (Başlangıç Seviyesi/ А1/1) ; В.Е.Антонова, М.М. Нахабина, И.И. Жабоклицкая, А.А.Толстых, И.В.Курлова, О.В. сморнова; Nüans Publishing Yayınları; Ankara 2017.
References: русский язык в упражнениях - хавронина
Методическое пособие.

Course-Program Learning Outcome Relationship

Learning Outcomes




Program Outcomes
1) Having advanced theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks, application tools and other resources containing current information in the field.
1) Graduates are capable of performing written and oral translation in at least one field of expertise, in accordance with the existing needs of professional life.
2) To be able to use advanced theoretical and applied knowledge in the field. To be able to interpret and evaluate data, identify problems, analyze, and develop solutions based on research and evidence using advanced knowledge and skills in the field.
2) Graduates have multilingual communication skills adequate to produce written and oral translations in language categories A, B, and C (language levels according to the European Language Portfolio on a Global Scale; language A at C2 level, language B at B2 level, language/s C at B1 level).
3) To be able to conduct an advanced study related to the field independently. To take responsibility individually and as a team member to solve unforeseen and complex problems encountered in applications related to the field. To be able to plan and manage activities for the development of employees under their responsibility within the framework of a project.
3) Graduates become familiar with the intellectual and cultural traditions in the cultures speaking A, B, and C languages and obtain awareness about behaviors and attitudes specific to such cultures.
4) To be able to evaluate the advanced knowledge and skills in the field with a critical approach, To be able to determine learning needs and direct learning. To be able to develop a positive attitude towards lifelong learning.
4) Graduates analyze written and oral texts produced in A, B and C languages, and comment on and translate them into the language A or B.
5) To be able to inform the related people and institutions on the subjects related to the field; To be able to convey their thoughts and solution suggestions for problems verbally and in writing. To be able to share their thoughts and solution suggestions on issues related to the field with the experts and non-experts by supporting them with quantitative and qualitative data. To be able to organize and implement projects and activities for the social environment in which they live with a sense of social responsibility. To be able to follow the information in the field and communicate with colleagues by using a foreign language at least at the European Language Portfolio B1 General Level. To be able to use information and communication technologies with at least the European Computer Driving License Advanced Level computer software required by the field.
5) Graduates use the contemporary tools and techniques required for the practice of translation, as well as information and communication technologies together with computer hardware and software knowledge required by the field.
6) Graduates possess sufficient knowledge of theoretical and methodological approaches in translation studies to begin graduate studies in the field.
6) Acting in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethical values in the stages of collecting, interpreting, applying and announcing the results of the field. Having sufficient awareness of the universality of social rights, social justice, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety.
7) Graduates possess sufficient knowledge to evaluate issues related to the education of translators as well as to occupational organizing and ethics within the profession, and to propose, from a social and scientific perspective, solutions to such issues in the various fields in which the need for translation arises.
8) Graduates have the ability to perform disciplinary as well as inter-disciplinary team work.

Course - Learning Outcome Relationship

No Effect 1 Lowest 2 Low 3 Average 4 High 5 Highest
Program Outcomes Level of Contribution
1) Having advanced theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks, application tools and other resources containing current information in the field.
1) Graduates are capable of performing written and oral translation in at least one field of expertise, in accordance with the existing needs of professional life.
2) To be able to use advanced theoretical and applied knowledge in the field. To be able to interpret and evaluate data, identify problems, analyze, and develop solutions based on research and evidence using advanced knowledge and skills in the field.
2) Graduates have multilingual communication skills adequate to produce written and oral translations in language categories A, B, and C (language levels according to the European Language Portfolio on a Global Scale; language A at C2 level, language B at B2 level, language/s C at B1 level).
3) To be able to conduct an advanced study related to the field independently. To take responsibility individually and as a team member to solve unforeseen and complex problems encountered in applications related to the field. To be able to plan and manage activities for the development of employees under their responsibility within the framework of a project.
3) Graduates become familiar with the intellectual and cultural traditions in the cultures speaking A, B, and C languages and obtain awareness about behaviors and attitudes specific to such cultures.
4) To be able to evaluate the advanced knowledge and skills in the field with a critical approach, To be able to determine learning needs and direct learning. To be able to develop a positive attitude towards lifelong learning.
4) Graduates analyze written and oral texts produced in A, B and C languages, and comment on and translate them into the language A or B.
5) To be able to inform the related people and institutions on the subjects related to the field; To be able to convey their thoughts and solution suggestions for problems verbally and in writing. To be able to share their thoughts and solution suggestions on issues related to the field with the experts and non-experts by supporting them with quantitative and qualitative data. To be able to organize and implement projects and activities for the social environment in which they live with a sense of social responsibility. To be able to follow the information in the field and communicate with colleagues by using a foreign language at least at the European Language Portfolio B1 General Level. To be able to use information and communication technologies with at least the European Computer Driving License Advanced Level computer software required by the field.
5) Graduates use the contemporary tools and techniques required for the practice of translation, as well as information and communication technologies together with computer hardware and software knowledge required by the field.
6) Graduates possess sufficient knowledge of theoretical and methodological approaches in translation studies to begin graduate studies in the field.
6) Acting in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethical values in the stages of collecting, interpreting, applying and announcing the results of the field. Having sufficient awareness of the universality of social rights, social justice, quality culture and protection of cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety.
7) Graduates possess sufficient knowledge to evaluate issues related to the education of translators as well as to occupational organizing and ethics within the profession, and to propose, from a social and scientific perspective, solutions to such issues in the various fields in which the need for translation arises.
8) Graduates have the ability to perform disciplinary as well as inter-disciplinary team work.

Learning Activity and Teaching Methods


Assessment & Grading Methods and Criteria

Written Exam (Open-ended questions, multiple choice, true-false, matching, fill in the blanks, sequencing)

Assessment & Grading

Semester Requirements Number of Activities Level of Contribution
Quizzes 1 % 20
Midterms 1 % 30
Final 1 % 50
total % 100
total % 100

Workload and ECTS Credit Grading

Activities Number of Activities Duration (Hours) Workload
Course Hours 1 56 56
Application 1 56 56
Homework Assignments 2 10 20
Quizzes 1 1 1
Midterms 1 1 1
Final 1 1 1
Total Workload 135