
Vocational School
Computer Aıded Desıgn and Anımatıon
Mobile Technologies
Human Resources Management
Local Governments
Provincial Governments
Sport Management
Business Administration
Foreign Trade (English)
Foreign Trade
Banking and Insurance
Marine And Port Management
Civil Aviation Cabin Services (English)
Flight Operations Management
Civil Aviation Cabin Services
Civil Aviation Transportation Management
Civil Aviation Transportation Management
Civil Aviation Cabin Services
Photograpy And Camereman
Radio And Television Programming
Radio And Television Programming
Construction Technology
Construction Technology
Occupational Health And Safety Distance Education
Occupational Health And Safety
Tourism And Hospitality Management
Public Relations And Advertising
Interior Desing
Graphic Design
Fashion Design
Architectural Restoration
Survey And Cadastre
Architectural Restoration
Survey And Cadastre
Court Offıce Servıces
Aircraft Technology
Computer Programming
Vocational School of Health Services
Operating Room Services
Operating Room Services(Second Education)
Anesthesia (Second Education)
Child Development
Child Development
First and Emergency Aid
First and Emergency Aid
Audiometry(Secondary Education )
Pathology Laboratory Techniques
Perfusion Techniques (Second Education)
Perfusion Techniques
Management of Health Institutions
Management of Health Institutions
Medical Documentation and Secretarial Services
Medical Documentation and Secretarial Services
Medical Imaging Techniques
Medical Imaging Techniques ( Secondary Education )
Medical Laboratory Technologies
Yaşlı Bakımı
Optician (Second Education)
Nükleer Tıp Teknikleri
Acil Durum ve Afet Yönetimi
Mouth and Dental Health
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
English Translation and Interpreting
Russian Translation and Interpreting
Chinese Translation and Interpreting
Translation and Interpreting (Arabic)
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering (English)
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering (English)
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (English)
Mechanical Engineering (English)
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering (English)
Mechatronics Engineering (English)
Geomatic Engineering
Automotive Engineering (English)
Energy Systems Engineering (English)
Food Engineering (English)
Genetics and Bioengineering
Genetics and Bioengineering (English)
Software Engineering (English)
Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English)
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Fashion Design
Industrial Product Design
Cinema and Television
Arts and Culture Management
Visual Communication Design
Architecture (English)
Textile and Fashion Design
Digital Game Design
Faculty of Business and Administrative Sciences
Business Administration (English)
Business Administration
International Trade (English)
International Trade
International Relations
International Relations (English)
International Logistics and Transportation
Logistics Management (English)
Economics and Finance(English)
Banking and Finance (English)
Tourism and Hotel Management
Tourism and Hotel Management (English)
Accounting and Auditing
Logistics and Transportation
International Finance
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Education
Guidance and Psychological Counseling
English Language Teaching
Pre-School Education
Special Education Teaching
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Information Systems and Technologies
Public Relations and Advertising
Gastronomy And Culinary Arts (English)
Gastronomy and Culinary Arts
Pilotage (English)
Aviation Management
New Media
Banking and Insurance
Sport Management
New Media And Communication
Faculty of Dentistry
Dentistry (English)
Faculty of Health Sciences
Nursing (English)
Nutrition and Dietetics
Child Development
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (English)
Health Management
Nutrition and Dietetics (English)
Faculty of Medicine
Medicine (English)
Faculty of Pharmacy
Graduate School
Information Technology Law (Master) (With Thesis)
picture (non-thesis)
Sales and Marketing (with thesis)
Sales and Marketing (non-thesis)
PhD in Healthcare Management with a master's degree
PhD in Healthcare Management with a bachelor's degree
Healthcare Management (with thesis)
PhD in Healthcare Management with a master's degree
Healthcare Management (non-thesis)
Quality Management in Health non-thesis
QQuality Management in Health (with thesis)
Sports Physiology non-thesis
Sports Physiology (with thesis)
Master of Arts in Sports Management non-thesis
Master of Arts in Sports Management with thesis
Cinema & Television (with thesis)
Doctorate of Cinema Television
Master of Arts in Cinema & Television non-thesis
Master of Arts in Social and Cultural Studies non-thesis
Master of Arts in Social and Cultural Studies with thesis
tourism and hospitality (with thesis)
tourism and hospitality (non-thesis)
tourism management (with thesis)
Business Administration Distance Education (non-thesis)
Business Administration (with thesis)
PhD in Business Administration (English) with a master's degree
Business Administration (non-thesis)
PhD in Business Administration with a master's degree
PhD in Business Administration (English) with a bachelor's degree
Doctorate of Business Administration (English)
Business Administration (English) (non-thesis)
PhD in Business Administration with a bachelor's degree
Doctorate of Business Administration
Business Administration (English) (with thesis)
International logistics (non-thesis)
International logistics (with thesis)
International Trade (with thesis)
International Trade (non-thesis)
International Trade (English) (non-thesis)
International Trade (English) (with thesis)
MA in International Relations (non-thesis)
MA in International Relations(with thesis)
local governments (non-thesis)
local governments (with thesis)
Master of Arts in Translation Studies non-thesis
Master of Arts in Translation Studies with thesis
Child Development and Education (with thesis)
Child Development and Education (non-thesis)
Private Law
Doctorate of Private Law
Private Law (with thesis)
Master of Laws in Private Law non-thesis
Private Law (non-thesis)
Private Law
Advanced Electronics and Communication Technology (English) (with thesis)
Human Resources Management (with thesis)
Human Resources Management (non-thesis)
Construction Engineering (with thesis)
Geotechnics with Thesis
Geotechnics non-thesis
occupational health and safety (with thesis)
occupational health and safety (non-thesis)
PhD in Applied Psychology
PhD in Applied Psychology with a master's degree
PhD in Applied Psychology with a bachelor's degree
Finance (English) (non-thesis)
Finance (English) (with thesis)
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (with thesis)
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (non-thesis)
Doctorate of Periodontology
Public Law (with thesis)
Public Law (non-thesis)
Doctorate of Public Law
Marketing (English) (non-thesis)
Marketing (English) (with thesis)
PhD in Management and Land Use with a master's degree
PhD in Management and Land Use with a bachelor's degree
oral, dental and maxillofacial radiology (with thesis)
Banking Distance Education (non-thesis)
Banking (with thesis)
Doctorate of Banking
PhD in Banking with a bachelor's degree
Banking (non-thesis)
PhD in Banking with a master's degree
Master of Arts in Banking and Finance with thesis
PhD in Nutrition and Dietetics with a bachelor's degree
Nutrition and Dietetics (non-thesis)
Nutrition and Dietetics (with thesis)
PhD in Nutrition and Dietetics with a bachelor's degree
PhD in Nutrition and Dietetics with a master's degree
Artificial Intelligence Engineering (Master) (With Thesis) (English)
Computer Engineering (with thesis)
PhD in Computer Engineering with a master's degree
PhD in Computer Engineering with a bachelor's degree
Computer Engineering Ph.D
Artificial Intelligence Engineering (Master) (Without Thesis) (English)
Computer Engineering (non-thesis)
Information Systems and Technologies (with thesis)
Information Systems and Technologies (English) (with thesis)
Information Systems non-thesis
Information Systems (Master) (Without Thesis) (English)
Economic Law (with thesis)
Economic Law (non-thesis)
Doctorate of PhD in Educational Administration and Supervision
Educational Administration and Supervision (with thesis)
Educational Administration and Supervision (non-thesis)
non-thesis Master's program in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Master's program in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Gastronomy (non-thesis)
Gastronomy (with thesis)
Gastronomy (with thesis)
Gastronomy (non-thesis)
Real Estate Finance and Valuation (with thesis)
Real Estate Finance and Valuation (non-thesis)
MA in Real Estate Evaluation and Financing
Geomatic Engineering non-thesis
Geomatic Engineering with thesis
Power Electronics and Clean Energy Systems (English) (with thesis)
entrepreneurship (with thesis)
entrepreneurship (non-thesis)
Nursing (non-thesis)
PhD in Nursing with a master's degree
Nursing (with thesis)
Urban Renewal non-thesis
Urban Regeneration with thesis
Clinical Psychology (non-thesis)
Clinical Psychology (with thesis)
Logistics Management (with thesis)
Logistics Management Distance Education (non-thesis)
Logistics Management (non-thesis)
PhD in Mechatronic Engineering (English) with a master's degree
PhD in Mechatronic Engineering (English) with a bachelor's degree
Mechatronic Engineering (Ph.D) (English)
MA in Fashion Design(non-thesis)
MA in Fashion Design(with thesis)
Accounting and Auditing (with thesis)
PhD in Accounting and Auditing with a master's degree
Doctorate of Accounting and Auditing
Accounting and Auditing (non-thesis)
PhD in Accounting and Auditing with a bachelor's degree
Accounting and Auditing Distance Education (non-thesis)
Engineering Management (with thesis)
Engineering Management (non-thesis)
Music Program's Proficiency in Art Degree
Music (with thesis)
Music (non-thesis)
PhD in Architecture (English) with a master's degree
Architecture (with thesis)
PhD in Architecture (English) with a master's degree
Architecture (non-thesis)
PhD in Architecture (English) with a bachelor's degree
Architecture (English) (with thesis)
PhD in Architecture with a bachelor's degree
PhD in Architecture (Turkish) with a bachelor's degree
PhD in Architecture (Turkish) with a master's degree
Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education non-thesis
Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education with thesis
Orthodontics (DR)
Automotive Mechatronics and Intelligent Vehicles (with thesis)
Explosives Engineering (non-thesis)
Explosives Engineering (with thesis)
MA in Marketing Communication
Psychology (non-thesis)
Master of Arts in Psychology with thesis
Restorative Dental Treatment with thesis
picture (with thesis)